Broadwell Family of Clinton County, New York |
**The printed document requires about 40 pages.
As the years go by, it becomes increasingly difficult to find members of a family who recall very
much of their past history; what their forbears were like; what they did; and where they lived. By linking
the past to the present, one is given a sense of continuity and fulfillment which can provide a pattern for
living from generation to generation. Although a careful attempt has been made to avoid inaccuracies,
there maybe unintentional ones, for which I hereby offer my apologies. This is by no means a complete
genealogy. It is definitely limited in its scope to the Broadwell family, and their kin, who came as early
settlers to Clinton County from 1785-1804. Few of these people were particularly distinguished; nor, did
they have pretensions to an aristocratic European background; yet they constituted a solid, industrious,
respectable citizenry-the real backbone of America.
The Broadwell family is closely associated with the settlement of the East New Jersey colony from its very beginning. To review briefly the colony's early history, at this point is therefore an interesting supplement, since not only the Broadwells, but their kin, the Morse, Day, Darling, Linsley, Wilcox, Seeley, Parrot, Hathaway and Moore families-all original settlers in the colony-are also a part of the family history.
In 1664, Charles II of England deeded a large tract of land, which extended from the Connecticut to the Delaware, already claimed and settled by the Dutch, to his brother, James, Duke of York. A part of this grant, known at this time as Nova Caesarea, was later to become New Jersey. The Duke actually prepared to drive the Dutch from their strategic position between New England and Virginia, but found that the Dutch were in a mood to welcome any change in government. Practically no resistance was offered to the British invaders when they attacked the Dutch settlements; New Netherlands surrendered without a struggle; and the Duke changed the name, "New Netherlands," to New York. He then appointed Richard Nicolls to act as deputy governor of this new domain. Many New Englanders, who had been eyeing the Nova Caesarea area for some time applied to Nicolls for land grants in the new territory and Nicolls granted them. Later this caused no end of the trouble because these New Englanders claimed that they owned their lands without the restrictions that the proprietors of New Jersey imposed on settlers brought in by them.
Unbeknown to Nicolls, the Duke had, at this time, transferred the whole territory of Nova Caesarea to two of his court favorites, John, Lord Berkeley, and Sir George Carteret, the "richest" man in England. Because of Carteret's defense of the Island of Jersey during the Parliamentary Wars, and the fact that the Carterets had helped to hide Charles II, when in exile, the grant was called "New Jersey." The Lords Proprietor then decided to divide New Jersey into two rather unnatural regions which they called "East Jersey," and "West Jersey". Roughly, East Jersey made up the northeastern part of the grant; West Jersey the southwestern. The dividing line, or Old Province Line is still shown on maps of New Jersey. The line begins at little Egg Harbor on Barregat Bay and runs diagonally in a north-westerly direction to the Delaware river, just above the water gap. Carteret became the proprietor of East Jersey and Berkley, the proprietor of West Jersey.
East Jersey from the very beginning, was totally different from West Jersey. In East Jersey there was a strong New England tinge which has lasted to this day. The early settlers who settled around Newark Bay were mainly New England Puritans and Calvinists, with a sprinkle of Dutch, English and a few Scots from Long Island. The Carterets also brought over a few French Huguenots from the Channel Islands. By virtue of either character or numbers, New Englanders were evidently the controlling element, for they established the New England system of town government, and imposed strict Connecticut laws, making twelve crimes punishable with death. Carteret governed the colony from 1665 until his death in 1682.
West Jersey, which became decidedly Quaker, was sold by Lord Berkeley in 1673 for one thousand pounds to John Fenwick and Edward Byllinge, both of them old Cromwellian soldiers turned Quakers. It is thought that the new proprietors made the purchase, not only for profit, but as a refuge for Quakers in America, who at this time were being severely persecuted in England. After Sir George Carteret died in 1682, his province of East Jersey was sold to William Penn and eleven other Quakers for the sum of thirty-four thousand pounds. It is thought that the Quakers, who were great humanitarians, did this to create a refuge in America for Presbyterians, the famous Scotch Covenanters, much persecuted at that time under Charles II who was trying to force them to conform to the church of England.
In 1688, the English Revolution drove the King into exile and placed William of Orange on the throne. The New York Assembly then attempted to exercise control over East Jersey and to levy duties on its exports. The two provinces, New York and East Jersey, practically went to war. For twelve or fifteen years, East Jersey was in disorder, with seditious meetings, mob rule, judges and sheriffs attacked while performing their duties, the proprietors claiming quitrents and the people resisting, and the British Privy Council threatening to make a crown colony of East Jersey if the law and order were not otherwise restored.
Led by the people of Elizabethtown, the Connecticut settlers (especially those who had obtained their grants from Governor Nicolls) violent opposition to paying quitrents to the proprietors reached such a height that the proprietors surrendered their rights of political government to the Privy Council and the two Jerseys were united under one government in 1702.
The struggles of democracy in New Jersey exhibited the grievances of settlers against proprietors and the complaints of farmers against merchants. In East Jersey, small farmers from the very beginning, were squeezed between the proprietors and the merchants of New York. The settlers, coming mainly from England, naturally retained their preference for the land system of the Puritan colonies-grants by the legislature to town proprietors and by them to the individual farmer, so that the latter held his land in fee simple tenure, free from quitrents or other payments to an overlord. Carteret however, adopted the method of making grants directly to individuals and of exacting a yearly quitrent in return. As has already been stated, the grantees of governor Nicolls always insisted that they were not tenants of the proprietors of New Jersey, a claim that would have made them independent land-owners, since the Duke of York had surrendered his rights as overlord of New Jersey when he gave that domain to Berkeley and Carteret. In 1664, Sir George Carteret, hoping to establish his colony immediately, appointed his cousin, Philip Carteret, as governor of the province, and authorized him to outfit a ship and sail for America. Philip set out from the Island of Jersey, at once, taking with him sixteen or eighteen workmen and servants to begin work on the new capital, which the Carterets had decided to call "Elizabeth Towne" in honor of Sir George's wife Elizabeth, also born a Carteret. The site selected for Elizabeth Towne was on Newark Bay at the mouth of the Passaic River. This site proved to be most suitable in every respect, as the city grew and prospered. It is known today simply as Elizabeth, one of the large manufacturing cities of the New York Metropolitan area.
When Philip Carteret reached his East Jersey destination, he was amazed and angered at finding four cabins already built and occupied by settlers from Long Island, who said they had been given a grant to settle here, in this particular spot, by Governor Nicolls. In spite of the disputes which followed, the Long Islanders were allowed to stay and Philip went on to Connecticut where arrangements had been made for him to lead a band of thirty colonists, dissatisfied with their lot in Connecticut, to East Jersey. When this band finally reached New Jersey, they found other New England settlers had already preceded them, all claiming to be grantees of Governor Nicolls.
Realizing that the "Nicolls Grantees" might cause trouble, as they openly opposed proprietors and the payment of quitrents, Governor Carteret made a proclamation, late in 1664, to the effect that all inhabitants of Elizabeth Towne must take the oath of "A Leagance and Fidelity" or be deprived of some of their privileges. This was not actually put in to effect until February 19, 1665. The supporters of Carteret banded together and called themselves the "Elizabethtowne Associates," while the other group became known as the "Nicolls Grantees," or simply, "The Grantees." All of the "Associates" took the oath and, at the last minute, some of the "Grantees" capitulated. The "Grantees," for the most part, did not surrender, nor, in the end, did many of them lose their land. The "Oath of A Legance" was worded as follows: "You doe sware upon the Holey Evangelist contained in this book to bare true faith and Alegiance to our Soveraing Lord King Charles the Second and his Successors and the Governor of the Province of New Jersey as long as you shall Continue an Inhabitant under the same without any Equivocation or Mental Reservation whatsoever and so help you GOD."
Among the first settlers in Elizabeth Towne were William Broadwell, and future father-in-law, Robert Mosse (Morse). Robert Morse and his family had come to Elizabeth Towne as part of the band of thirty settlers brought by Carteret from Connecticut. The Morse family had originally come from Wiltshire, England, to Newburyport, Massachusetts, before 1650. Later they moved to Connecticut where many of them remained, one of them being the father of the Rev. Jedediah Morse, father of Samuel F. B. Morse. Robert Morse was a tailor by trade and had several children among whom were a son, Peter, and a daughter, Mary. William Broadwell, already living in Elizabeth Towne at this time, is not listed as one of the thirty colonists from Connecticut, nor one of the workmen brought by Carterets from the Channel Islands, so it is assumed that he belonged to the Grantee group from Connecticut or Long Island. As there were Broadwells in the Haven colony, it is thought that he may have come from there. It is thought that he was born in England. There is a place in Sussex called "Broadwell," but no research has been done to check on any possible connection. By 1677, William Broadwell is included in the list of "Associates who later took the oath." William was a cordwainer by trade, but practiced his trade only for a short time after coming to Elizabeth Towne. When he first came to East Jersey, he was married, but his wife's name is not given. Hannah Broadwell who married William Darling, is thought to have been a daughter by this first marriage, as no other Broadwells, except William, were living, originally, in Elizabeth Towne, and she would have been the right age to be his daughter, but the wrong age to be his grand daughter.
"February 19, 1665, Robert Mosse (Morse) and Peter, his son took the Oath of Allegiance." "Robert Mosse drew lot #14 in the Elizabeth Towne Survey, a tract of about six acres." "William Broadwell drew lot #13 in the Elizabeth Towne Survey. He built the house upon it where the Parsons family afterwards lived." "William Broadwell also drew lot #18 in the Survey, south of his other lot." "August 25, 1677, William Broadwell married Mary Mosse, (Morse) daughter of Robert Mosse, as his second wife." "September 6, 1681, Robert Morse gave his son-in-law, William Broadwell, a tract of land on the Passaic." "William Broadwell was a cordwainer by trade. He did not practice his trade, but was the owner and operator of a sawmill. His sawmill was located on the Passaic River and was one of the landmarks of the day." "On October 30, 1678, William broadwell purchased 148 acres of land in Elizabeth Towne, Luke Watson. (Luke Watson was the leader of the "Grantees" who came from Long Island, having obtained a large grant from Governor Nicolls, and refused to pay quintrents to the Carterets.) On September 26, 1681, William Broadwell purchased 35 acres in Elizabeth Towne; on October 20, 1684, a "tract of land" from Joseph Kerr; November 6, 1685, 267 acres of `timberland'; November 6, 1685, 16 acres in Elizabeth Towne; November 15, 1685, 38 acres of `meadow land.' On June 11, 1685, William Broadwell and his wife, Mary, petitioned for 500 acres of land but were granted only 250 acres by the proprietor." "On April 21, 1685, William Broadwell posted a bond for a contract to deliver lumber to Thomas Dongan, Governor of New York, at Dongan's mill on Staten Island. Bond receipted by Thomas Carhartt, in part November 22, 1690, to Mary Broadwell, in part, February 21, 1693-94, to Mary Broadwell, Essex County, New Jersey." "William Broadwell died in April, 1689, and his wife, Mary, then married Jacob Mitchell." In William Broadwell's will, his wife, Mary is named executrix All property, both real and personal, was left to her and their three sons, John, William, and Richard.
In 1701, Mary Broadwell Mitchell made her will as follows: "I give and bequeath all my whole right and title to land and meadows in Elizabeth Towne and elsewhere, given me by my father, Robert Morse, equally to my two living sons, William and Richard Broadwell." John Broadwell must have died young, and no more mention is made of Richard in the old records, so it is assumed that William II was the only one left in this family. He was born in Elizabeth Towne in 1682, and married Jane Darling whose family was prominent in Elizabeth Towne. William II was the grandfather of the David Broadwell who came to Clinton County, New York, in 1803-04.
William Broadwell II continued his father's lumber business and owned considerable land in Essex and Morris Counties. He is buried in the Presbyterian Churchyard in Elizabeth where his grave is the oldest in the cemetery. He died in 1746 at the age of 64. His will was made on May 9, 1745, and names his sons, Josiah and William III as executors. It contains, in part, the following provisions: ". . . my plantation at Connecticut Farms, Elizabeth Towne, to my wife, Jane, my sawmill on the Passaic and my lands in Essex and Morris Counties and elsewhere, to my living children." There is no mention of his personal property in the will, but an inventory, taken by David Day and John Trotter, on March 14, 1745, show the total to be 149,00,09 pounds. The following are William and Jane's children: 1. Josiah, 2. William III, 3. Henry, 4. Mary Darling, 5. Susannah Day, 6. Jane, 7, Ann, 8. Hester.
"Josiah Broadwell, Esq., lived at first on lot #18, drawn by his grandfather in the Elizabeth Towne Survey of 1665, at Connecticut Farms, Elizabeth Towne, Essex County, New Jersey." "In May, 1757, Josiah Broadwell Esq, and Benjamin Bonnel, were chosen by the people to dismiss the Rev. Timothy Allen, a "New Light" in the Presbyterian Church during the period of the "Great Awakening." "In 1757, Josiah Broadwell, and William, his brother, were of the committee to confer with the Rev. Jonathan Elmer respecting his settlement, as minister, of the Presbyterian Church in New Providence." (New Providence was annexed to Springfield in 1794).
"June 1, 1763, George III of England, through Governor Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire, granted to Thomas Darling, (son of William and Hannah (Broadwell) Darling), Josiah Broadwell, William Broadwell III, Henry Broadwell, and a number of others, all living in New Jersey, 36 square miles of land in the town of Bolton, Chittenden County, Vermont." (Later the northeast part of Huntington was annexed). The proprietors were to open the territory for settlement, but little was done until 1770, when the grantees held their first meeting in Newark, New Jersey, on May 10, 1770.
This grant was one of the 131 famous "New Hampshire Grants" made by the enterprising but unscrupulous Benning Wentworth from 1749-1776. His majesty, the real owner of the land, prescribed territorial limits of his domain with the lavish disregard of actual geography. In 1664, he set the eastern boundary of New York at the Connecticut River, but the New Hampshire boundary was to continue "Until it meets with our other Governments." The "Other Governments" referred to Massachusetts and Connecticut, whose western boundaries were established by charter at the "Western Ocean." Since Wentworth was in the "King's favor," he saw no good reason why he should not make some money in the real estate business by opening up lands for settlement in what is now Vermont, the area between the Connecticut and Hudson Rivers. Regardless of New York's better claim to this section, Wentworth sold patents at a fee of 20 pounds sterling per 15,000 acres. At this time, New York's rate was 14 pounds sterling per 1,000 acres. As soon as New York realized the extent of Wentworth's grants, a whole series of New York governors cried, "Trespass" and "Treason" and made appeals to the king, but his Majesty was also profiting by Wentworth's real estate transactions and did nothing about "The Grants" until July 20, 1764, at which time he proclaimed "the western banks of the River Connecticut, from where it enters the Province of Massachusetts Bay, as far north as the 45th Parellel of North Latitude, to be the boundary line between the said Provinces of New Hampshire and New York." This decision filled New Yorkers with glee, even though the King directed that actual settlers under the Wentworth grants should not be molested. Although the Darlings and Broadwells were the original proprietors of the Town of Bolton, which is in Chittenden County, it is not known that any of them ever lived there. Few proprietors made any personal attempt to settle the territory they obtained. They were merely interested in the land as a speculative investment. "These magnates in an era of small enterprises issued `rights' entitling the purchasers thereof to a certain number of acres and entrusted these shares to jobbers who went up and down the colonies, selling them to the land hungry and to folk with the taste for gambling." David Broadwell, Sr., William III's son, perhaps inherited some of this land from his father, as his will, made on September 12, 1813, mentions "my five rights of land in Vermont situated on the Onion River."
The proprietors, once in possession, were expected to fulfill a number of obligations, including settlement and cultivation. The only rule strictly enforced, however, was the payment of quitrents. This annual tribute was made in theory, directly to the Crown. New Hampshire's quitrent per 1,000 acres was two shillings, six pence.
As an interesting sidelight, let us look at the settlers who moved into "The Grants." "They were a special people, the younger sons, dissenters, free thinkers, and insurgents. Who did not fit into the theocracies of lower New England." Among these settlers were Ethan Allen and his five brothers, Heman, Heber, Levi, Zimri, and Ira from Salisbury, Connecticut. Also in the "Allen clan" were their cousins, Seth Warner, Remember Baker, and Ebenezer Allen. It is to this group, the leaders of "The Green Mountain Boys," that Vermont today owes her entity, because it is they who cleared the land, suffered the hardships of life on the frontier during the French wars, and developed a fierce spirit of liberty and independence which led New York to finally relinquish its claims to "The Grants" for $30,000.00 and allowed Vermont to join the union as a separate state in 1791.
"On September 25, 1764, Josiah Broadwell Esq, was elected County Judge of Morris County." "Josiah Broadwell and Abigail his wife, transferred their membership, by letter from the Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth, to Morristown in April, 1770." Their seven children are as follows:
1. Samuel, who married a Lindsley and moved to Kentucky about 1800.
2. Hezekiah, who married Abigail Green, sister of the Rev. Ashbel Green, D.D.L.L.D., Chaplain of Congress during Washington's administration. Their father was the Rev. Jacob Green, Pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Hanover, New Jersey.
3. Simon, who was the first president of the National Iron Bank of Morristown.
4. Jacob, who has descendants living in California.
5. Moses, who married his cousin, Jane Broadwell, daughter of William III. (She was the sister of the William Broadwell, and half sister of David Broadwell, who came to Clinton County in 1804. Moses and Jane moved to Springfield, Illinois, where they owned four sections of land and lived on one of them.
6. Polly (no data).
7. Esther, who died in 1835, age 81 years
William Broadwell III, brother of Josiah and Henry, first married Mary __________ b. 1725, d. September 23, 1757. Their children were:
1. William IV, died in 1761, age 6 years.
2. David, b. 1748 in Morris County, New Jersey d. 1816, Mason Street, Plattsburg, New York. (David's wives and children, although listed elsewhere, are as follows):
First wife: Mary Howell of Morristown, whom he married November 25, 1767. She died in 1769, leaving no children.
Second wife: Sabera Willcox, referred to in the bible records as "Sybbah" was the daughter of William Willcox of Rahway, New Jersey. They were married August 9, 1770. Their children were all born in Morris County, New Jersey.
1. William b. April 9, 1771 d. December 6,1794. (He was killed in the Penn Insurrection).
2. Stephan, b. September 2, 1772 ( no data ).
3. Noah, b. January 1, 1774. (He came to Plattsburg in 1796 or 1797).
4. Aaron, b. September 12, 1779. (He came to Plattsburg with his father in1803-04).
5. Rachel b. September 4, 1781 (no data on her).
Third wife: Elizabeth Carrol of Morristown, New Jersey. (no record can be found of their marriage) This marriage produced five children, all of whom died in infancy, except one, David Benton Broadwell who was born July 18,1795 in Morristown, and came to Plattsburg with his parents when about nine years old.
Nathaniel, married Joanna Lindsley, sister of Silas Lindsley, Esq., of Spring Valley, New Jersey. They lived for a time in Morristown and had eight children. Shortly after 1800, they moved to Kentucky. William Broadwell III, married for his second wife, Polly______. Their children were as follows: 1. Silas, (no data). 2. Ezra, who married Sarah Beach in 1781. They were married by the Rev. Jacob Green, of Hanover Presbyterian Church. Later they moved to Ballston Spa, New York. In 1790, they were living in Ballston Spa and had two daughters. 3. Ara, (Airy in Bible records), who started out with the others from Morristown in 1803, and settled in Utica, New York. 4. William, b. in New Jersey, in 1769, d. on Beckwith Street in 1848. He came with the others to Clinton County in 1804. 5. Jane, who married her cousin, Moses, son of Josiah, Esq., and moved to Illinois. 6. Elizabeth, 7. Susan, 8. Rebus, 9. Joanna, (no data on the last four)
The Morse, Lindsley, Day, Darling, Howell, Munson, Willcox, Seeley, Parrot, Hand, Hathaway, and Moore families were all very early settlers in the "East Jersey" colony. They were all living there long before the revolution, many having come from Connecticut in 1664-65. The Day family was very numerous and played a prominent part in early history of Essex and Union Counties. Some of them married Broadwells and several Broadwells married Days.
"In 16__, William Parrot lived where Ezra Willcockse now does and owned 200 acres of land extending from the Passaic River to the Stony Hill Road. He married the widow of Daniel Clark and had several children. One of these children was Joseph, father of Adoniram Parrot, who came to Clinton County in 1803-04."
"Peter Willcockse (Wilcox) came from England and settled between the mountains on a hill known to this day as "Peter's Hill" on the north side of Blue Brook, a little above Feltville, 6th of January, 1736. He also had surveyed to him by Joseph Morse, for the Elizabeth Towne Associates," 424 acres of land lying along the east branch of Green Brook, called "Blue Brook" Feltville, settled about 1720, is situated on this tract. The reason Peter Willcox settled in this mountain region is because "it abounded in heavy timber." "Sabera Willcox, daughter of William (second child of Peter) and _________ (Howell) Willcox, married 9th August, 1770, David Broadwell of Rahway, New Jersey."
The Seeley family came from Connecticut to Elizabeth Towne soon after it was founded in 1665. "In 1697, Ephraim Seeley bought a tract of land in Fairfield Township where he put up a dam and built a grist and fullign mill." Ephraim Seeley died in 1723, and his property was left to his son, Ephraim Seeley , Jr." "In 1736, Ephraim Seeley married Hannah Fithian of Greenwich in the Presbyterian Church." "In 1748, Jonathan Fithian was owner of the Seeley Mills on the Cohansey River." "In 1774, the Seeley Mills were owned by Josiah Seeley, son of Ephraim 2nd and continued to be owned by the Seeley family until 1832." "The third Governor of New Jersey was Elias Petty Seeley. He was born November 10,1791, in Cumberland County and was the son of Ebenezer Seeley a state assemblyman, Councilman and County Clerk from 1814-1835. Elias P. Seeley was "licensed to practice law in 1815" and served as Governor of New Jersey from February 27, 1833 to October 25, 1833, to fill the vacancy of Governor Southward who, in 1833, was elected to the United States Senate." (A ladder back chair, once owned and used by Governor Seeley as a writing chair, is now in the possession of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Broadwell).
The Lindsleys (also Lindsey, Lindsay) came from Northumberland, England, and settled first in the New Haven (Connecticut) Colony, and later in the Elizabeth Towne settlement in East Jersey. They were prominent in the business, civic, and military affairs of the colony from its very beginning. Four of the Broadwells married Lindsleys, the first marriage being between Nathaniel Broadwell, David Sr.'s brother; and Joanna Lindsley of Spring Valley. During the Revolution, Morristown, New Jersey, was twice occupied by the American Army. From January until May 1777, and from December 1779, to June 1780, Washington made his headquarters there, occupying the Ford Mansion, which is now owned by the New Jersey Historical Society.
Just outside the town, on the road to Basking Ridge and Somerville, is "Jockey Hollow," now a national monument, where Washington's troops were quartered. As supplies of food were never plentiful, especially during the winter, the people of Morristown were called upon to help all they could in providing food and warm clothing for the cold and hungry troops. Captain Joseph Lindsley, an officer in Washington's army, owned a fine house in Morristown which was said to have the largest outdoor oven in that area. One time, when rations were running shorter than ever, Captain Lindsley came home from the Hollow and told his family, which included several daughters, to prepare for the biggest baking they would probably ever do, as he had decided that for once, every man in his company was going to have a ration of bread, no matter if the obstacles seemed mountain high. At the end of the frenzied two days which followed, the baking was at last completed and the bread carried by carts to the Hollow. One of the Lindsley girls is supposed to have shocked her strict Presbyterian elders by saying, "What a pity that father could not have had the power to perform the miracle of the loaves and fishes and saved us all that work!" "In the year 1752, the number of "freeholders" or real estate owners in Morris County, New Jersey was about 450; which estimate is based upon a census "taken by virtue of a rule of the Supreme Court by John Ford, sheriff, on the thirty-first day of August, 1752." Of this number nearly two-fifths were residents of Morristown. Among those listed appears the name of William Broadwell. This is the William Broadwell listed elsewhere as William III.
"It is fortunate for the lovers of local history that a list of freeholders of Morristown entitled to vote for deputies, or representatives, to the Provincial Congress which was to meet at Burlington, on the tenth day of June in the year, 1776, has been preserved. The election occurred in Morristown, on the fourth Monday in May in 1776. Among the names listed appears that of Samuel Broadwell, son of Josiah." HISTORIC MORRISTOWN-Sherman
Listed below is a list of officers and men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812: Captain Ebenezer Tuttle's Light Dragoons, 1st Squadron, 2nd Reg. Cavalry: William Broadwell died at Spruce Creek, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1794, during the Penn Insurrection. (He is thought to be David's son, William, brother of Noah and Aaron. He was born in 1771).
Captain Day's Company, 4th Reg Infantry: Stephen Broadwell, Pvt. (He is thought to be David's second son, born in 1772.) *David Broadwell, Sgt. Eastern Battalion, Morris County; Jacob Broadwell, Pvt. 3rd Battalion; Cap't Mitchell's Co. Moses Broadwell, Pvt. 3rd Battalion; Cap't Dayton's Co. Samuel Broadwell, Pvt. Morris County; Eastern Battalion Moses Broadwell, Pvt. Cap't Carter's Co. William Broadwell, Pvt. Morris County, Eastern Battalion.
*David Broadwell served as a sergeant in Captain Josiah Hall's Company, Eastern Battalion, Morris County Militia. Active service: Command of a guard of 13 men stationed at Morristown, January 23 to February 2, 1779. He also served as sergeant in Cap't Hall's Company in alarm due to the revolt of the Pennsylvania Line Troops, from January 2 to January 7, 1781. He was discharged at Basking Ridge, under Col. Winds, January 2, 1777.
David Broadwell, Sr. and his two half-brothers, Ara (Airy) and William-all sons of William Broadwell III, moved from New Jersey to New York State in 1803-04. About this time their cousin, Samuel, son of Josiah, and David's brother, Nathaniel, both having married Lindsleys, moved to Covington, Kentucky. Other Broadwells, at this time, went to Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio. David must have planned to go with them and then perhaps changed his mind. This is evidenced by an old record (in the possession of Milton Broadwell) in which David Broadwell gives his power of attorney to "recover all debts which may become due and are owing to me in the State of New Jersey and agreeably to account of them, as I am about to remove into the State of Kentucky for divers good causes and considerations." The person designated to collect the debts is "my friend, Thomas Osborn." The document is dated September 4, 1801. Witnesses are Aaron Broadwell and Lemuel Bowers. It is signed by Abraham Ritchel, Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, Morristown, New Jersey. At this time, David was a resident of Hanover and a trustee of the Presbyterian Church. The early name for Morristown was West Hanover, and before 1800, the Presbyterian Church records of "Hanover" and "West Hanover" were kept as one record. These records show that Josiah and Abigail and their children, Nathaniel and Joanna and their children, and Ara and Phoebe and their children all attended the "West Hanover" church. Other Broadwells were then living in Rockaway, Denville, Passaic, and Elizabeth. Why so many Broadwells left New Jersey, at this time, has caused a great deal of speculation, but no one has yet found an answer. It is thought that the ones who came to Clinton County were influenced to do so by David's son, Noah, who had settled in Plattsburg in 1797. The only other early northern New York settlers from Morristown with ox teams in 1797, and settled on a road between Essex and Reber. Because of them, this road is still locally known as "Jersey Street."
In 1803-04, the band of settlers, who came to Plattsburg from Morristown, consisted of: 1. David Broadwell, his third wife Elizabeth, and their son, David Benton, then about nine years old.
2. Aaron Broadwell, (David's son by his second marriage and brother of Noah, who was already living in Plattsburg) and his wife Sarah (Seeley) and possibly their two oldest children, John and Sybil.
3. Adoriram Parrot and his wife, (Sarah Carrol, who was Elizabeth Broadwell's sister), and their older children.
4. Ara Broadwell and his wife, Phoebe (Munson) and their children. Ara and family for reasons unknown, stopped off near Utica, New York, and settled there. Ara was a stone mason and is listed as the builder of some of the old locks on the Erie Canal, near Utica, in the period of 1817-25. In the war records of 1812, Ara is listed as an ensign in the Oneida County Militia.
5. William Broadwell, with his second wife Sara (Hathaway), their three older children by William's first wife, Mary Hand, and several children by the second marriage. William was Ara's brother, both half-brothers of David Sr. William was four years older than Ara and had been born in Morris County in 1769. He died in Plattsburg, October 17, 1848. William's farm was located between Beckwith's and Scribner's just off Beckwith Street. The house is said to have stood on the north side of the road. The house on the south side of the road is said to have been built by Calvin Broadwell, William's grandson, although part of this burned long ago. It is thought that Mr. and Mrs. William Broadwell are buried on the north side of the road near where their house stood, as two old graves, back in a grove, can be remembered as being there sixty years ago. From old family accounts, this hardy band of settlers set out from Morristown, with their most prized possessions loaded into several heavy wagons drawn by ox teams, and were many weeks before reaching Plattsburg. (A small Chippendale mirror, said to have been brought from New Jersey in 1803-04 by Mrs. David Broadwell, Sr., is in the possession of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Broadwell of Rouses Point).
Plattsburg, in 1803, included the present townships of Beekmantown, Dannemora, Saranac and Schuyler Falls-a really large territory. The village of Plattsburg, settled in 1785, had a grist mill and a sawmill (prime requisites for a successful settlement) by that time. The village, however, grew slowly. By 1811, there were only 78 dwellings, though the Plattsburg Academy, completed in this year, was said to be the largest structure in northern New York. The territory outside the town, however, then nothing but woods, was a real challenge to settlers. Little land been cleared and life in a rural district was typically that of true "pioneer."
The Rev. Joseph Cook, an early clergyman of Essex County, New York, vividly pictures life in the early days of the settlement of Northern New York by a graphic account given to him, personally, by Mrs. Adolphus Sheldon who came to the Town of Ticonderago in 1797. This is very interestingly told in the HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY in a chapter called, "Early Settlements." In a later chapter, he pictures this period (1790-1810) as that in which "men scraped their own axe-helves, made their own ox- yokes by the blazing fire on long winter evenings; and bent their own ox-bows; and smoothed their own whip-stocks; and braided their own whip-lashes; and put handles to their own jack-knives; and peeled their own brooms out of white birch or sweet walnut, or braided them out of hemlock; and shaved their own barrel staves; and hooped their own beer casks; and sewed their own harnesses; and shaped their own horse shoes; and run their own bullets; and tapped their own boots; swingled their own flax; and hollowed their own wooden dishes; and ironed their own ox-carts; and mended their own bob-sleds."
"As the men worked, the crackle of the big fore-sticks and back-sticks mingled with the hum of the little linen wheel, or the large spinning wheel, or the rattle of the shuttle and treadles; for there, too, before the fire, the women picked their own wool; and carded their own rolls; and spun their own yarn; and drove their own looms; and made their own cloth; and cut their own garments; and did their own making and mending; and dipped their own candles; and tried their own soap and bottomed their own chairs; and braided their own baskets; and wove their own carpets; and quilted their own coverlids; and picked their own geese feathers." Most of these pioneer women "milked their own cows; tended their own calves and pigs; went a visiting on their own feet, or rode to meeting or weddings on an ox-sled with a bundle of straw under their feet, and at their backs two hickory stakes and a log chair." "In the days, neighbor helped neighbor in all tasks that required more than one pair of hands, and there was a feeling of mutual dependence so strong that some who would refuse to pay a note of hand, did not dare stay back from a logging bee or raising. All hands turned out cheerfully on all such occasions, and no gathering was considered properly managed where the oft-circling jug of rum was absent, and now and then fiery spirits, men used to muscular effort and the open air, got ablaze, and free flight enlivened the smoking fallow or made the timbers of the raising echo laughter; and by and by, after the friendly interchange of labor had helped raise the house, clear the land and secure a livelihood, when death came, the neighbor was borne to his last home, not in a hired hearse, but upon the shoulders of strong-armed friends, somewhat lacking in culture, maybe, but not in heart or mind."
David Broadwell, Sr., a son of William III, and half-brother of Ara and William, was born in Morris County, New Jersey, in 1748. When he came to Clinton County from New Jersey, he first lived (1804) in Plattsburg on the southeast corner of Cornelia Street in a two-story brick house where the National Economy store now stands. His neighbors to the east were Abraham Beeman, Peter Sailly, James Savage and Charles Parsons, Jr. David purchased this property on July 20, 1804, from Theodorus Platt, described as follows: (Lot #50 was not in the city of Plattsburg. It is a part of the present Broadwell farm on Mason Street, Morrisonville). "Part Lot #50, beginning at the northeast corner of a piece of land, part of Lot #50, sold to Elizah Hammond at a spruce tree, thence running north 36 chains (a surveyor's chain was 66 feet) and 8 links to the northeast corner of said Lot #50, at a beach tree marked N.50.51.46, thence west 36 chains and 1 link to a beach tree standing at the northeast corner, a part of said Lot #50, sold to Noah Broadwell, thence south 36 chains and 64 links to a stake at the northeast corner of the Hammond Lot, thence east 35 chains and 74 links to the place of the beginning, containing 131 acres, 2 rods and 34 inches of land." David lived in Plattsburg only a short time and then moved to Mason Street, Morrisonville, where he continued to live until his death in 1816.
From old family accounts, it is said that David looked for a place to settle where there was both a spring and a brook when en route from New Jersey and found it where he later built his house on Mason Street. This must be partly incorrect as he had already bought 133 acres of land of Jonathan Lawrence of New York City in 1803 for 200 pounds, "current money of the State of New York." All of this purchase lay on west side of Mason Street, and nothing was built here, except David's stone forge, until much later. Jonathan Lawrence was one of the 33 original proprietors of "Plattsburg." The pound at this time was worth $2.50 in "York" money. The original handwritten deed is in the possession of Crosby Broadwell. At some other time, David, evidently, had bought land on the east side of Mason Street for that is the place where he lived; first, in a log house until the brick house could be built. The bricks for the house were made and drawn from the Irish Settlement, about three miles away.
Evidently the first building that David put up on Mason Street was the stone building, which stood beside the brook just south of where the present stone house now stands. This was his forge, or blacksmith shop to which people from miles around came to have work done. His old leather covered account book, which starts in 1793 in New Jersey, and is continued in 1804, in Schuyler Falls, shows accounts with 86 different early settlers of Clinton County. He must have done a lively business, perhaps because of having both a forge and sawmill, for on October 14, 1804, he took in as partner in the forge, one Stewart Frazier. In the front of the ledger, David wrote that "he and Frazier are to share profits in equal proportion". This old ledger has accounts with Charles Platt, Isaac Platt, Peter Sailley, Benjamin Mooers, Ezra Turner, (the latter being the founder of Schuyler Falls) and with persons farther away such as Francis Culver, John Addoms, Frederick Halsey, Frederick Durand, Abraham Monty, the Delongs, who lived near the north end of the Military Turnpike, Jesse Soper and many others. The work done at the forge was "making a lock," "drawing a knife," "mending a chair," "jumping an ax," (this means making the ax blade wider and larger and putting a new edge on it). More entries are for this than for any other item." "shewing a horse," (note spelling) "making nails," (Benjamin Mooers was charged 9 shillings 10 pence for having 14 large nails made). English money was still in use then as there are three columns for pounds, shillings, and pence. About this time David built a dam across the brook, on the east side of the road, and built a sawmill. The logs were cut by a saw which operated like a cross-cut saw, the power being furnished by the water from the dam. In later years, after David Benton Broadwell took over the operation of the sawmill, a larger dam was built and the millpond, on the east side of the road, covered a large area. The location of the dam and the foundation stones of the old mill can be clearly seen today, down the hill, southeast of the brick house. The cut lumber was sold locally and also shipped by way of the Salmon River and Lake Champlain to Whitehall where there was a big market for lumber at that time. It seems improbable now that either the Hammond Brook, which supplied the water for David's sawmill, on the Salmon River, which crosses Mason Street, could ever have had enough water for commercial use. It is thought that by 1806, the brick house was finished, and that David Sr., and Elizabeth, his wife, and their son, David Benton Broadwell were all living in it. The original log house stood north of the brick house. Later it was improved and rented or used until 1860, at which time it was torn down. Miss Mead said she could just remember it and that, at one time, a family named Boyington lived there.
The old stone forge and sawmill were torn down years ago, but during the 1840's it was opened again for business by Stephen Broadwell, who had learned how to do the work of a blacksmith. He was one of the sons of David Benton Broadwell, who was tubercular and died when quite young. When Stephen took over the work of the blacksmith shop, he found the old account book of his grandfather and added his list of "Accounts Receivable" to it. Among the names listed in 1846-48 are the following, mostly from the surrounding area: Charles Hunter, James Terry, L. Comstock, Joshua Stickle, James Henry, Charles Reed, R. Beckwith, Myron Reed, Dr. Bidwell, E. Willcox, Eliakim Mason, W. Weston, Huntley Canfield, Mason Moore, Orrin Spalding, Smith Mead, Charles Mason, Harvey Shaw and Orrin Sutherland. When the old forge was torn down, the Broadwells saved the bellows, anvil, and other old appliances. They are now in possession of Crosby Broadwell.
In 1812, David Broadwell, Sr., was Commissioner of Highways in Plattsburg, and at this time, he and his son, Noah, plotted and laid out Jay, Washington, and Hamilton Streets. In 1814, at the time of the Battle of Plattsburg, David, Sr., served in the 36th Regiment (Miller's Militia) for a short time, from September 5 to September 13, no doubt when the Militia was called out during the invasion of Plattsburg by the British troops. Before coming to Clinton County, David Sr., had served as a sergeant in the Revolution in Capt. Hall's Militia of Morris County, New Jersey. He was discharged at Basking Ridge, on January 2, 1777. (His military record is given on another page).
Before coming to Clinton County, David was quite active in the Presbyterian churches of Hanover, Rockaway and Denville as his listed in old records as having been a trustee of the church in each place where he lived. As there was no Presbyterian Church in the Morrisonville area, these Broadwells finally became Baptists, but not until around 1840. It is thought in the early days that they attended the Presbyterian Church in Plattsburg. As has already been stated, David Broadwell, Sr., was married three times. There were no children by the first marriage; five by the second marriage, and five by the last marriage. Of the five by the last marriage, only one, David Benton Broadwell, lived to maturity. It is he, who inherited the Broadwell place on Mason Street from his father. David's last wife was Elizabeth Carrol of Morristown, New Jersey. She was born in 1765 in New Jersey and died in the Broadwell stone house on Mason Street in 1839. She is buried in the Broadwell Cemetery.
On September 12, 1813, David Broadwell, Sr., made his will, which contained the following provisions: One third part of my real property (this may have included some of the property in the city of Plattsburg which had not as yet been sold) I bequeath to my wife, Elizabeth, so long as she continues my widow." "To my son, David, the farm I now live on." "To my sons, Noah and David, the five rights of land situated on the Onion River in the Town of Waterbury, Vermont." "To my son, Aaron, I give and bequeath the sum of $5, which is to be paid one year after my death, one-half by Noah; the other half by David." Witnesses J.W. Edwards Executors: Elizabeth Broadwell Platt Newcomb David B. Broadwell. Although it has caused much speculation, no one knows the reason why Aaron was disinherited in his father's will. It is thought that the land in Vermont may have been inherited from William Broadwell III, David's father, as a part of the 36 square miles given to the Broadwells, Darlings and others, by Governor Wentworth in 1763.
David Broadwell, Sr., died March 9, 1816, and since the Broadwell cemetery had not been established, he was buried on the adjoining Hammond farm. The family always planned to have his remains moved to their own cemetery, once they had it built, but waited so long that the grave could not be positively identified as the Hammonds had turned that part of their farm into a pasture and the markers had been knocked down by the cattle. By then, old Mr. and Mrs. Hammond were dead and the younger people could not remember "who was buried where." The D.A.R. talked of placing a marker next to the grave of Elizabeth, David's wife, to show that David was a soldier of the Revolution, but, as yet, nothing has been done. Mrs. Winship, the Regent of D.A.R. (about 1931) planned a ceremony for the occasion, but for some reason, it never materialized.
Adoniram Parrot purchased a farm on the Military Turnpike from Thomas Treadwell and lived there for many years. "The Adoniram Parrot farm was north of Thorn's corners (Sunrise) on the Military Turnpike. For an account of the Mallorys and Parrots, are "recollections of Clinton County and the Battle of Plattsburg 1800-1840 by Allan S Everest". He died when he was 84 years old and is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Plattsburg, in the lot of his son-in-law, John Hunter. The Hunters, who settled in Plattsburg in the 1790's are buried in the old section of Riverside Cemetery, next to the DeLord and F.B. Hall Lot. Adoniram Parrot served in the Revolution for seven years and eight months. He took part in battles of Brandywine, Monmouth and Germantown. He also went with Gen. Sullivan on his famous Indian Campaigns. He was at Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered. In 1824, he was living with his son, Joseph, in Beekmantown. Joseph had a son, Horton, buried in the David Broadwell lot in West Plattsburg, who in turn had two daughters, Melissa and Mary (Mame) Parrot. Adoniram's other son, William, never married and at one time lived "down east" (in the woods) on the Broadwell farm. The foundation of the house is still there. "Uncle Bill" was "eccentric" but very well liked by all the children, according to Miss Mead, who could remember him well. After his sister, Mrs. Susan Broadwell, had at last had a set of dentures made (at this time they were still considered a novelty) and was wearing them, Uncle Bill decided that he would make a set for himself, so he took a sterling tablespoon, patiently shaped it to fit the roof of his mouth, soldered some sheep's teeth to this plate, and then tried to wear his invention. Needless to say his "invention" did not work, but he steadfastly refused to admit that his sister's did, saying, "Nothing but pride keeps Susie wearing those things." He is buried in the Broadwell Cemetery.
Adoniram Parrot also had four very outstanding daughters: 1. Sally, who married John Hunter of Plattsburg. They built a house at the junction of the roads leading from West Plattsburg to Morrisonville. It is still a beautiful place and is at present owned and occupied by a Mr. Bracken. The Hunters had four children, three girls and a boy, Thomas McDonough Hunter. The girls were named Cornelia, (after whom Cornelia Mead was named) Charlotte, who married a McElroy from Alabama and moved there in 1840, and Elizabeth, who married a Mayfield. Most of them are buried in the Hunter Lot in Riverside Cemetery.
2. Elizabeth "Betsy" married John Mallory, son of Nathaniel Mallory of Mallory's Bush. In 1821, he owned and operated an oil mill on the Saranac River in Plattsburg. The Mallorys built and lived in the stone house across from Benedict's on the Plattsburg-Morrisonville Road. In 1959 the state took this property and built the Northway directly over the spot where the Mallory house stood. They had one son who went to Boston where he became an artist and engraver of note. Two daughters, who were artists of some local renown, never married. Milton Broadwell said that some of the Mallory girls' water colors were still in existence around Plattsburg. This was in 1927.
3. Phoebe, married Lemuel Storrs and lived in Beekmantown. One old resident says that the so- called "Storrs Hotel" on the Turnpike, which is a large brick dwelling, was built by Lemuel Storrs. These Storrs were also related to the Storrs who for many years had a hotel in Cadyville. Will Storrs, a lawyer, who used to visit at Milton and Frank Broadwell's was a grandson of Lemuel and Phoebe.
4. Susan, married her first cousin David Benton Broadwell. It is they who built the sandstone house, known as the Broadwell Homestead, on Mason Street in the town of Plattsburg in 1825-30. (In 1848, the western part of the town of Plattsburg was changed to "Town of Schuyler Falls": The name "Schuyler" came from the original owner of much of this section, Philip Schuyler, of Revolutionary War fame.
Lemuel and Phoebe Storrs moved from the Turnpike Road, Beekmantown, to Jay, (Mallory's Bush) in 1835. Lemuel was a farmer, to which he added blacksmithing after coming to Jay. Their children were Elbridge, b. January 24, 1832 in Beekmantown, and William, Orrin, Lemuel, and Susan, who later became Mrs. O.L. Perkins of Jay. The younger children were all born in Jay, Essex County, New York. Lumbering was one of the earliest industries of Mallory's Bush, but the iron business should receive mention. The first forge was built in 1798 by Joseph Storr, John Purmont, and G. A. Purmont. In 1809, the forge was extensively enlarged, and was actually the forerunner of the iron business afterwards carried on by the J. & J. Rogers Company.
Mrs. Storrs' sister, Betsey, had married John Mallory, who was son of Nathaniel Mallory. Nathaniel Mallory and his bother, William, had settled in 1796, the present village of Jay to which they gave the name Mallory's Bush. On March 12, 1797, the people of Mallory's Bush petitioned the Town of Willsborough to be set off and be incorporated into a town by themselves. The petition was granted and on January 16, 1798, the town of Jay, named after Governor John Jay, was created. William Mallory built the first mill erected in the town, and in company with his brother, Nathaniel, owned a grist mill, saw mill, and later a forge and carding machine. The earliest road to Mallory's Bush was a primitive passageway through the woods between that place and Westport, then called North West Bay. It could not have been used before 1796. About the same time, or soon after, the road which leads along the west bank of the south branch of the Ausable river, between Upper and Lower Jay was not ready for wagon traffic in 1812, huge spars were cut, in the Town of Jay, and drawn to the lake. From here they were floated northward to the English market at Quebec. A Mr. Sleeper, at one time, with seven yoke of oxen, drew an enormous spar from Mallory's Bush clear to the lake. Later, square timbers came into great requisition and many were sent from Mallory's Bush. By 1812, the lumber business in this area was killed by the girdling of all the trees to facilitate the clearing of the land.
Noah Broadwell a son by David, Sr.'s marriage to Sabera Willcox, and brother of Aaron, came to Plattsburg from Morristown, New Jersey in 1797, the first of the Broadwells to come to Clinton County. He is said to have been a surveyor and a blacksmith and also had a part in laying out some of the first streets in Plattsburg. In 1797 and 1798, he bought 300 acres of land of Jonathan Lawerence, Theodorus Platt and Nathaniel Platt, most of this land was in the city of Plattsburg. 200 acres was the east part of Lot #50 (Lot #65 and Lot #50 were in the Morrisonville area. Lot #50 is a part of the Broadwell farm on Mason Street. Lot #65 is supposed to have been on the East side of the Saranac River. Later owned by Elnathan Vaughn and still later by Mr. & Mrs. Martin Harris). He built the brick house next to the General Benjamin Mooers place on Peru Street and lived there until his death in 1826. In the census of 1800, he is listed as having a wife and two children. On the Assessment Roll of 1811, he is listed as the owner of 300 acres of land in Plattsburg. He is also listed as one of the contributors to the fund for the erection of the Plattsburg Academy. The beautiful old house in which he lived is still in good condition today, complete with the original fireplaces and two large ovens in the basement, all well preserved.
Noah was born January 1, 1774, in Morris County, New Jersey. Before coming to Plattsburg, he married Rhoda Moore of Morristown, on April 3, 1796. Rhoda was born January 13, 1776 in Morristown and died March 15, 1814, in Plattsburg. Noah Broadwell is said to have been a man of very good character and was much respected in Plattsburg. His gravestone bears this inscription: Noah Broadwell, 1774-1826, "He was the noblest work of God, an honest, man." Noah, Rhoda, their daughters, Mariah (Broadwell) Hall, Charlotte and Polly, (the last two died in infancy) are all buried in the old section of Riverside Cemetery Plattsburg-directly behind the Broad Street School. Their children were as follows:
1. Charles Platt, b. November 10, 1797. In the early 1800's he was the owner and publisher of the CHRISTIAN HERALD AND FARMER'S MAGAZINE which was issued "once a fortnight on Thursday." The first six issues of Vol. 1, dated "20 November, 1823" and "29 January, 1824" are in the possession of Andrew Broadwell of Rouses Point, New York. In 1826, C.P. Broadwell was the "printer and publisher" of the PLATTSBURG REPUBLICAN. Although many issues of the REPUBLICAN have been found and have been put on microfilm for the State Teachers College historical collection, very few of the issues for the period 1824-27 have been found. Charles Broadwell was a very "slick" young man and all the Broadwell cousins always referred to him as "Dandy Charles." While still young, he left Plattsburg and went to New Jersey to live, where his father and mother had relatives. He married there, and had two children, Schuyler and Charlotte Jane.
2. Sara (Sally) b. February 14, 1800, married on December 28, 1817, Eliakim Mason, b October 19, 1795 in Manchester, Vermont. He was one of the sons of Aaron Mason, who settled in this area in 1806, and what was later known as the Spalding place, and after whom Mason Street is named. The original Mason farm is directly across the road from the Medric Light place, which at one time was the eastern part of the Peter Weaver farm on Beckwith Street. Eliakim and Sally Mason, at one time, lived in the brick house, just north of the Broadwell stone house. Eliakim Mason died March 1, 1875; and his wife Sally, died on September 30, 1871. They are both buried, as are many of their children, in the Schuyler Falls Cemetery. For an account of the Mason family, see Hurd's HISTORY OF CLINTON AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES under Beekmantown. The children of Eliakim and Sally Mason are as follows: John, b August 28, 1818, who married Catherine Patchin, daughter of Dr. Isaac Patchin and Abigail (Hilliard) Patchin, in 1844, and then went to New Jersey to live near some of their Broadwell relatives in Paterson. Dr. Patchin, a French Huguenot, was one of the first doctors in the Schuyler Falls area. He was born June 15, 1793 and died June 7, 1859. He lived directly across from Charles Mason on Beckwith Street in the house later known as the "Will Lobdell place. "Dr. Patchin, his wife, Abigail, John and Catherine are all buried in the Schuyler Falls Cemetery. Also in the Dr. Patchin lot are buried G. W. Soper, 1826-1901, and Rebecca, his wife, born in 1827. Charles, b. June 1, 1821, married Martha Bates and lived near Schuyler Falls, across the road from Dr. Patchin's. They were married March 18, 1857. Mrs. Martha Mason, b. May 25, 1833, lived to be 100 years old. She was a sister of Eli Bates of Morrisonville and also a sister of Mrs. Alanson Hammond, the mother of Milton and Wallace Hammond. Charles and Martha's children were Victor, Melvin, and Catherine, (Kitty). Kitty married "Joe" Ladue of Klondike fame, when he came back from Alaska. On their wedding trip, they went by train to the West Coast. When news of their being on the train was heard by the public, the train was held up, sometimes for nearly an hour, so the mobs of people flooding the stations could see John Ladue, "the hero of the Klondike." After their return from the "West" they lived in Schuyler Falls, where for a long time, a continuous stream of people came to their house to get "first hand: news of the Klondike region. Having no children of their own, they adopted a child. He is the well-known Francis Ladue of Chazy and Plattsburg. After Joe Ladue's death, Kitty then married Harry Tyler. They lived in Plattsburg, where Mr. Tyler started the well-known "Tyler and Brown: auto repair shop". They are buried in the Eliakim Mason lot in the Schuyler Falls Cemetery. Edwin, b. February 15, 1823, also went to New Jersey to live, where on July 12, 1851, he married Elizabeth Colfax of Paterson. Helen, b. June 4, 1826, is thought to have never married. She is buried in the Schuyler Falls Cemetery. Melvin and Maria, (twins) were born May 12, 1831. Maria Mason married John Hunter, March 20, 1873. They never had any children. Maria Mason was Helen Broadwell's bridesmaid, when she married D. C. Broadwell in 1854. Mrs. Hunter was widowed early in life. At one time she lived in Morrisonville, later in the Mason place on Beckwith Street. She also spent much time at the Meads and Colburns in West Plattsburg. She died July 12, 1912.
3. William, b October 8, 1803, (no data) He, too, may have gone to New Jersey.
4. Mariah, b. June 20, 1807, married. All the Broadwells called her "Aunt" Mariah Hall. She was the family "agitator." In early life she became a widow (there were no children) and did a great deal of "visiting" She is said to have known all the news and gossip of the family. She kept alive a family "feud" which all started over the rightful ownership of a pewter platter which mysteriously disappeared from her father's house on Peru Street in Plattsburg just after his death in 1826. In 1915, the family still talked about Aunt Mariah Hall and her pewter platter. According to the family bible, she lived to be "84 years, seven months and twenty days old." She is buried in the Noah Broadwell lot in Riverside Cemetery.
5. Sherman, b. November 2, 1810. He also moved to New Jersey when young. He became a successful banker. He also had two daughters, Harriet and Eunice. Harriet studied Medicine and was associated with Dr. Sarah Adamson Dolley of Rochester, New York, from 1865-1870. There is no data on Eunice. This family of Broadwells, at one time, lived in Jersey City.
Aaron Broadwell, brother of Noah and half-brother of David Benton Broadwell, married Sarah Seeley in Orange, New Jersey, before coming to Clinton County. It is said that she was only fourteen or fifteen years old at the time of her marriage. In 1811, Aaron is listed on the Plattsburg Assessment Roll as the owner of house and 50 acres of land in Plattsburg. His son, Moses, was born in Plattsburg, October 17, 1812. An old document, in the possession of Milton Broadwell, dated 1810, shows an agreement between Thomas Collins and Aaron Broadwell in regard to the running of Aaron's farm while Aaron was away. In Hurd's HISTORY OF CLINTON AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES, he is listed as being the second settler to come to Ellenburg (then Mooers). On April 28, 1823, Aaron purchased from James Bailey of Plattsburg, one-fourth of Lot #19 in Township #6 (Old Military Tract) being the southwest corner of said lot in the Town of Mooers. In 1825, Aaron was living in Hogansburg in the house directly across from the present (1962) new school building and the Catholic church. In 1858, he was still living in the same house, being 79 years of age at the time. In 1825, Aaron's taxes on his house and village lot on the west bank of the St. Regis River were $2.00; the assessed valuation being $200.00. In 1827, Aaron owned Lot #4, directly across from the Post Office. It is thought that he owned and operated the ferry across the St. Regis River. On February 10, 1830, Aaron deeded Lot #4 back to William Hogan, and bought Lot #24, which is directly in back of the present Indian Cemetery. In 1860, Aaron's descendants were living in and around Fort Covington, Hogansburg, North Lawrence and Malone. His son, Solon, a Civil War veteran, is buried in the old Protestant Cemetery at Fort Covington, together with his wife, Maria and three young children. The old cemeteries in Fort Covington and Hogansburg, now a jungle of lilacs, lilies of the valley, and thorny rose bushes, may be restored, and may disclose, at that time, the graves of Aaron and Sarah, his wife, who are thought to be buried there. Their ten children were as follows:
1. Sybil, m. David Curtis of Fort Covington. They had a daughter, Matilda who married Seymour Vincent. Matilda and Seymour had several daughters, among them was Abigail Vincent. She married an Englishman, M. G. Jarvis, who at one time owned a music store in Plattsburg. The Jarvis family later moved to Burlington, Vermont. Mrs. Jarvis, who was a beautiful and charming woman, came back to Plattsburg and vicinity in 1927 with her daughter, Lula, then Mrs. B. A. Crittenden of Rutland, Vermont, for the purpose of finding an old stone house where some Broadwell relatives lived. Mrs. Jarvis remembered visiting this place with her mother during the Civil War and wanted to know if any of the family was still living there. Needless to say, she found several "cousins" and renewed acquaintance. Mrs. Crittenden married for the second time, Mr. Orin Thomas, Sr., a well known dairyman and state senator of Rutland. Mrs. Thomas is a talented and versatile person, having been graduated from Boston Conservatory of Music, where she became an accomplished musician. She also became an accountant and later became interested in doing genealogical research. Much of the data for this history was furnished by her. Mrs. Thomas has two brothers, Dr. DeForest Jarvis of Barre, Vermont, whose book, FOLK MEDICINE was "best-seller" for many months during the fifties and won international attention at the time. Another brother, DeAlton Jarvis is the owner and manager of the well-known OLDE BOARD RESTAURANT in Burlington, Vermont.
2. John, married Margaret Reynolds, daughter of James and Mary (Durand) Reynolds of Essex County, New York. They lived in Essex, or vicinity, and had two children-Andrew Jackson (Jack) and Helen. Margaret Reynolds Broadwell died in 1840 and is buried in the Brookfield Cemetery near Essex. Nothing very definite is known about John Broadwell except that he was a river boat captain, had red hair, and in an old letter is referred to as the "handsomest man I have ever seen." One story is that he ran away with another woman and his wife died of a broken heart. Another is that after his wife died, he left the two children with Margaret's brother, Orrin Reynolds, then went away never to return again. Another story is that he wanted his wife to accompany him on his boat trips. When she refused, he said he would never come home again and made good his promise. When Jack Broadwell had children of his own and they, in time asked about their grandfather, Jack refused to tell them anything about him. Mrs. Elisha Mather (Nell Reynolds)of Whallonsburg, Jack's first cousin, but actually more like a sister, knew all about the early days of the family in Essex, but she refused to say anything, so none of the Broadwell family for the last one hundred years, ever really knew the real truth about John Broadwell. In the fifties, when Jack was in his twenties, he "went West" for about a year, and it is thought that he visited his father at this time, for in later years he talked about a wonderful trip he once had down to New Orleans on a Mississippi river boat at which time he had the pleasure of hearing Jenny Lind, "The Swedish Nightingale" sing. He, like others of that day, was enchanted by her voice and manner although he thought her less beautiful than described in Mr. Barnum's bills.
3. Noah, went to Gains, Orleans County, New York, where a grandson, Frank G. Broadwell and other descendants were living in 1929.
4. Moses, b. October 17, 1812, in Plattsburg, also moved to Gaines, New York. Some of his descendants now live in Waterport, New York.
5. David, who Miss Mead thought married a Shaw and lived on the Melvin Reid farm on Beckwith Street. They later moved away.
6. Aaron, Jr., who followed his brothers to Orleans County in 1834.
7. George, (no data). Mrs. George Broadwell joined the Baptist Church in Fort Covington in 1852.
8. Eunice, who married a Bedell and lived near Malone, New York.
9. Solon, who ran a fishery at Fort Covington, New York. His fishery was located on the Salmon River on the same road North of the old Ellsworth place. His house, on the east side of the road, burned after 1876. It is thought that he shipped salt salmon from Fort Covington. He was a Civil War Veteran and is buried in the old Protestant Cemetery in Fort Covington. In 1883, he is listed in the Fort Covington Directory as a house painter. He had a son, Carlos, who married an Indian from the St. Regis reservation. Carlos, when very old came to Plattsburg (1910) where he died. He is buried in the West Plattsburg Cemetery. A descendant, Ralph Broadwell lives in Proctor, Vermont.
10. Wolcott, who married Rosetta (Flint or Chaffee) and lived in N. Lawrence, New York. He died in the War of `61. He had the following children: Aaron, named after his grandfather, came to work in Owen Mead's sawmill in West Plattsburg in 1859. In 1860, he went to a "Lincoln Rally" in Plattsburg. On the way home, he stopped to drink out of a pond, slipped and fell on a stone, hurting his head so badly that the Meads had to send to North Lawrence for his mother, Rosetta, to come and look after him as he did not seem to be making a good recovery. In spite of Dr. L. F. Bidwell's good care, he grew worse, so they took him to the Broadwell stone house on Mason Street where "Aunt" Susan Broadwell's skill with the sick could be administered, but he died at the age of 22. He was taken back home for burial and is buried next to his brother Theodore (who was killed in the Civil War) in the Flint Cemetery in Brasher, New York. Another son, Hamilton, married a Hazelton. They at one time lived near North Lawrence. Theodore died in the War of `61. Two other sons were Sherman and Darwin, (no data on them).
In an old letter, Miss Mead tells of going out to North Lawrence in a sleigh in the winter of 1862 to visit "Aaron's" relatives. "Deacon" Mead, Harriet, his wife, and daughters Mary and Cornelia all went and stayed several weeks. They made their " headquarters" at Rosetta's in North Lawrence. At this time, Wolcott, Rosetta's husband was away at war. They went to Fort Covington and visited the relatives there, and then back toward Malone where they stopped and stayed with Eunice Bedell who later went on with them to Malone where they visited Sybil Curtis, who was Aaron Broadwell, Sr.'s oldest daughter, married to David Curtis, at the time, residents of Malone. In later years, the two younger sons of Wolcott Broadwell came out to West Plattsburg to work in Mead's sawmill, but they proved to be unsatisfactory and went back to North Lawrence. The oldest residents of North Lawrence do not remember anything about this family of Broadwells nor what ever became of them. One old person thought that most of them died in the Civil War, and were not brought back for burial.
William Broadwell, half-brother of David Broadwell, Sr., was born in Morris County, New Jersey in 1769 and died in Plattsburg, October 17, 1848. He is thought to be buried in the Schuyler Falls area or on his farm. (Years ago, there were two graves, with markers, back in the woods on the north side of the road on William's farm). He is said to have been an original settler of Beckwith Street. In 1811, he is listed on the Plattsburg Assessment Roll as being the owner of a house and farm consisting of 300 acres. William was married twice. His first wife was Mary Hand. They were married October 28, 1783 in New Jersey. His second wife, also from New Jersey, was Sarah Hathaway with whom he came to Clinton County in 1804. In 1821, Mrs. William Broadwell is listed as one of the original members of the West Plattsburg Baptist Church. It is thought that the following were the children of Mary Hand:
Ebenezer, b. January 3,1785;
Wm. Jr., b. June 20, 1786;
Baxter, b. January 5, 1788.
The following are thought to be the children of Sarah Hathaway:
1. Polly, b .July 28, 1791;
2. Jane, b. May 15, 1793;
3. Archibald, b. September 11, 1795;
4. Hilyard, b. _______ , 1796;
5. Azael, b. September 19, 1797;
6. Charles, b. March 11, 1800;
7. Jared, b. April 27, 1802;
8. Mary Ann, b. March 10, 1804;
9. George, b.______ , 1805;
10. Phoebe, b. August 5,1808;
11. Joshua, b. March 22, 1812 and
12-13. Caroline and Lucretia, birthday unknown.
Very little information is available of William's children and their descendants, some of whom are buried in Saranac, but the following has been found and is as follows:
Mary Ann Broadwell married a Dow and moved to Vermont; her sister, Phoebe, married a Gardner and moved West.
Charles married Katie ________ and lived in Morrisonville in a small house on Mason Street where the Woods used to live. He died young, leaving his widow and a crippled daughter, Nellie. Katie and Nellie were very poor and the other Broadwells helped them a great deal. Katie lived to be quite old and was a tiny little person. They are all buried in the Calvin Broadwell lot in the West Plattsburg Cemetery.
Baxter moved to Illinois where his aunt Jane lived. (She is the Jane Broadwell who married her cousin, Moses, son of Josiah, and moved from Morristown to Illinois). Baxter had a son, Stewart, who was a pharmacist in Springfield, Illinois. Another son, Norman, studied law with Lincoln and Herndon. In his first case in court, Lincoln was his opposing attorney. In Lincoln's last case in Springfield, Judge Broadwell (Norman) was Lincoln's assistant. He was a member of the Illinois Legislature in 1861-62, and was elected judge in 1862. In 1867, he was elected mayor of Springfield and was re-elected in 1869. Jared, it is thought, lived on Rand Hill. His children were Henry and Laura. Henry married Mrs. Mary Ann (Burnap) Sanger, widow of Julius Coleman Sanger of Rand Hill. They had two children, Sidney and Laura. Sidney went to McGregor, Iowa, and died there when still quite young. Laura, his sister, married a Hackett and lived in Ellenburg. She died young, leaving no children.
Henry Broadwell, a Civil War soldier, is buried in the Shelters Cemetery on the Military Turnpike, Town of Beekmantown.
Henry's sister, Laura Broadwell, married Charles Sanger. They died quite young leaving a daughter Lizzie. She went to live with the Reeds on Beckwith Street. She became a teacher and, at one time, was the preceptress of the Plattsburg Elementary School. She later went out to teach at Burke, New York where she met and married for his second wife, Shelden Ellsworth, Superintendent of Schools in that area. They were married in the parlor of the Melvin Reed home on Beckwith Street, as the Reeds always thought of Lizzie as a daughter. Mr. Ellsworth was a descendant of Orange Ellsworth, who was born in Connecticut in 1781 and came to Fort Covington, Franklin County in 1808. For an account of the Ellsworth family, see Hurd's HISTORY OF CLINTON AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES under Fort Covington. The Ellsworths had three children and lived at Burke Center, New York. One of them, Fay Ellsworth married Rada Williams and lived on the home place at Burke Center.
The Sanger family were original settlers of Rand Hill area. Isaac Sanger and his wife, Mary (Hoyt) Sanger migrated to Clinton County from Rochester, Vermont, in the winter of 1799-1800. They came across the lake with ox sleds and went on through Plattsburg to West Plattsburg en route to the farm they had bought in the Rand Hill area. With them were their two sons, Coleman, b. April 13, 1794, and John, b. February 3, 1796, both children having been born in Rochester, Vermont. Just before reaching West Plattsburg, Coleman, then about four years of age, fell out of the sled and one of the oxen stepped on his head hurting him so badly that the Sangers had to stop at the nearest place for help. This proved to be the Baker place, where they had to stay for two weeks until Coleman was well enough to travel again. The scar, from this early injury, remained on Coleman's forehead all his life. Coleman married Sarah Ostrander, of West Plattsburg, July 23, 1815 and died March 20, 1867.
The Andrew Sanger family are his descendants, which includes Mrs. Maude Sanger Hanley, Mrs. Eber Norcross (Jane Sanger) and Ralph Sanger, Supervisor of Town of Beekmantown, who still lives on the homeplace. John Sanger, who was only two years old when he came to Clinton County, married Anna Comstock of Beekmantown, January 31, 1831. His descendants still live on the home place and include Walter, Edith and Ross Sanger. The Sanger family, in the early days, was engaged in the lumber business as well as farming. At one time they owned and operated three sawmills.
George was born in New Jersey and came with his parents to Clinton County in 1803-04. In 1830, George Broadwell married Catharine Sanford of Plattsburg, New York. She was born in Plattsburg in 1807. In later life, Mr. and Mrs. Broadwell went to live in Green Bay, Wisconsin with their son, Horace. George died in Green Bay in 1880, and Catharine, his wife died in 1889. When they were living in Clinton County it is thought that they lived on the William Broadwell farm on Beckwith Street. There children were 1)Horace who married and moved to Green Bay, Wisconsin; 2)Malcom who died in 1880, unmarried, and 3)Calvin, who at one time lived on his grandfather's farm, just off Beckwith Street. Calvin married Caroline Dustin, sister of Asbury Dustin, and daughter of Caleb Dustin, of Rugar Street, on October 6, 1856. In later years, Calvin and Caroline owned and operated hotels; first, in Ellenburg Center, then in Ellenburg Depot, and finally in Churubusco, New York. Calvin and Caroline are buried in the West Plattsburg Cemetery. Their children were: 1) George Gilbert, who married Harriet Baker, sister of Nan Baker of Morrisonville. Their children were Harry and Caroline, both born in West Plattsburg where Gilbert and Hattie lived for many years. (Gilbert later moved to Hyde Park, Vermont). Carrie B. (now Mrs. Everett Calkins) lives in Morrisville, Vermont. 2) Edgar who is thought to have lived in Saranac; and 3) William, (Will), who married Mina Beach of West Plattsburg. Will and Mina went to Chicago to live. Later they were divorced and Mina married a Mr. Phyllis of Chicago. They had one son "Lou" who was killed in World War 1. He was brought back from France and buried in the West Plattsburg Cemetery. Thereafter, Mrs. Phyllis came to Morrisonville every summer where she spent much time at the cemetery and much to improve it in the 1920's. While in Morrisonville, she visited her sister, Mrs. Albert Hawkes, and later, both she and her sister, Mrs. Rogers from Cleveland, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor. Will Broadwell became well-known in the Chicago area for his string of racing horses. An old Chicago newspaper account of him says, "William Broadwell is one of our most promising young business men. Last season he cleared a handsome profit of $35,000 with his string of race horses. He plans to make season even more of a success as he has added several new thoroughbreds to his present stock." Will became a very wealthy man and in later years came home to see his mother, just before she died. People say that if living today, he could easily have been cast as Rhett Butler, complete with the dark good looks, embroidered waistcoat, and three-carat diamond ring-a flamboyant figure of Chicago's gas light period. It is not known what ever happened to him in later life or if he married again and had children. Azael Broadwell, the fifth child of William and Sarah (Hathaway) Broadwell, married Eunice Soper, daughter of Joseph Soper of Plattsburg. The Sopers were one of the first families to be in the Plattsburg settlement. The original member, Moses Soper was given gift lot #10, which consisted of 50 acres between Boyton Avenue and Bailey Avenue out of the 997 acres that the proprietors had set aside in 1787 to encourage rapid settlement. In 1811, Moses Soper is listed on the Plattsburg Assessment roll as the owner of 1872 acres of land. Some of Moses Soper's descendants settled on the second road which runs parallel with Beckwith Street to the West. It is called "Soper Street" by old inhabitants still living in that area. Jacob Soper and Joseph Soper are buried in the so-called "Soper Cemetery" located on this road, along with some Halls and Fredus Ayer, who in his old age lived in Morrisonville with his sister Amy Ayer. (Dr. Fay's wife of Schenectady, was related to this family).
Eunice Broadwell died in 1834; Azael in 1836, when only 39 years old. They left five small children- Edgar, Diantha, Sarah, Andrew and Jacob. Nothing is known about the two daughters, but Andrew, who is thought never to have married, is buried in the Jacob Broadwell lot in West Plattsburg.
Jacob Soper Broadwell was but five years of age when his father died, so he was adopted by his uncle, Sherman Bromely, a hotel keeper in Plattsburg. Later, Jacob went to Keeseville and learned the miller's trade in the Keese and Tomlinson Mill. He went to Jay and worked for seven years as miller for James H. Purmot & Company. After this, he returned to Keeseville where he married Bersheba B. Totman, born in Luzerne, Warren County, New York, but raised in Keeseville. After his marriage, Jacob engaged in business for himself. His business ventures being successful, he came to Morrisonville, New York, where he bought the Grist mill of Taylor & Stickle, December 20, 1864. He later built a brick house and several other buildings at the foot of Beckwith Street Hill. In the early 1900's many of these buildings were torn down or moved to improve the road leading to Beckwith Street. At this time, all the huge butternut trees, always filled with squirrels, which formed a shady arch down Beckwith Street Hill into Morrisonville, were cut down. So much land was taken from the west side of the lot, then owned by A.H. Taylor, that the Taylors were unable to reach their barns and garage, until a deciduous hedge, about 50 years old, was removed to build a new driveway. In 1961, the beautiful old brick house, about 100 years old, then belonging to Mrs. A. H. Taylor, was completely demolished to make way for another new road leading to Beckwith Street, Schuyler Falls and Peru. At one time, Jacob Broadwell, besides owning the gristmill, a store, and starch factory in Morrisonville, also owned two farms in that area. A picture of the Jacob Broadwell residence, which looks to be about one-half the actual size, and an account of him, may be found in the HISTORY OF CLINTON AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES. Jacob and Bersheba had but one child Mary Maria. She was born in Keeseville February 10, 1865. She later married Louis Spaulding of Morrisonville and died soon afterward, January 2, 1881, leaving no children. A cousin, Leslie Broadwell, from Illinois, came to Morrisonville to settle the estate after Mr. Broadwell's death and is thought to have received a substantial inheritance, as there were no direct heirs. Actually, the camps at Chazy Lake, two houses on Mason Street in Morrisonville, some land and a building west of the brick house, and the Gristmill were bought by Dewitt and Milton Broadwell. Louis Spaulding bought the brick house and the surrounding lots and, it is he, who later sold this property to Mrs. Miller, the mother of Mrs. A.H. Taylor. No one can remember who bought the two farms that Jacob Broadwell owned.
Jacob Broadwell, like many of his family, was afflicted with "consumption" and had to spend much time at Chazy Lake where the air was thought to be better. He and his cousin, Dewitt Broadwell, owned several buildings used as summer camps or hunting lodges. A year round custodian was in charge for all possible emergencies. One time when Jacob Broadwell was staying at Chazy Lake, he was taken with a particularly bad coughing spell and his man was sent posthaste to Morrisonville for Dr. Vaughn. It is said that Mr. Broadwell's prize Morgan mare, "Lady", made the trip from Chazy Lake to Morrisonville, via Russia station, Saranac, and down the south side of the Saranac River, a distance of approximately 25 miles, in 55 minutes. This was considered quite a record and was talked about for years. Mary Broadwell was a beautiful child and was given everything she desired. It is said that her mother, or a maid, spent two hours every morning dressing her hair, which she wore in long curls. She never went to a public school, but was driven, along with her cousin, Nettie Broadwell, to Miss Holcomb's in West Plattsburg where the girls were taught fine penmanship, sewing, and music, which were considered the important things for a young lady to know.
Oil portraits of Jacob and Mary, painted by Andrew Fletcher of Keeseville in 1862, are in the possession of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Broadwell of Rouses Point (Mrs. Jacob Broadwell, who was rather plain looking, refused to sit for a portrait). Jacob, Bersheba, and Mary are all buried in the Jacob Broadwell lot in the West Plattsburg Cemetery.
Jacob's brother, Edgar, married Mary Justin of Saranac. They lived in Saranac and had a son, Charles, who married Hannah Baker of Saranac. Mrs. Broadwell was the sister of Mrs. Everleth and Robert Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broadwell lived on Rugar Street for many years. They had one daughter who married a Connick. She was the mother of Martin and Loryne Connick. Loryne Connick is a high school teacher in the vicinity of Kingston, New York. Having no sons, Mr. and Mrs. Broadwell adopted a son whom they named Charles. He never married and worked for many years at the PLATTSBURG PRESS REPUBLICAN. He died in 1961. This family of Broadwells is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Plattsburg.
David Benton Broadwell was born July 18, 1795 in Morristown, New Jersey. He was the only child (to reach maturity) of David Broadwell, Sr., and Elizabeth (Carrol) Broadwell. He came with his parents to Clinton County from New Jersey when he was about nine years old. When growing up, he helped his father in his sawmill and forge, and for his day, obtained considerable schooling. Many of the old documents he wrote, when he was supervisor of the towns of Plattsburg and Schuyler Falls, and Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, are still in the possession of Crosby Broadwell. He "held court" in a small building, still on the Broadwell farm, which was built to be warm in winter and cool in summer-the walls being insulated with powdered charcoal. He continued the lumber business started by his father, but discontinued the forge, or blacksmith shop. He also bought considerable land which was added to the farm left by his father, and according to the county clerk's records, he also sold considerable real estate. In 1814, at the time of the Battle of Plattsburg, David, then about 18, and his cousin Joseph Parrot, who was visiting him at the time, heard about the impending danger from British invasion of Plattsburg. The two boys set out on foot, through the woods in a pouring rain. Night overtaking them, they slept in the woods. Proceeding on their journey at an early hour, they arrived at the Lake as the British Fleet was rounding Cumberland Head. They notified the garrison, thus helping in McDonough's victory. (This is an old family tale, which must have some truth to it as in later years Mrs. David Broadwell was awarded a pension for the part her husband played in the war as a young man).
Another old tale of this period (1813-14) goes like this: a small company of British Cavalry on a scouting expedition to find a suitable place for moving their equipment across the Saranac River (which they were unable to do for several days in the vicinity of Plattsburg) came over from West Plattsburg to Morrisonville to look at the possibility of crossing the river there. Finding the planks gone from the bridge, they were about to ride away when an old man appeared outside a log cabin on the west side of the river, where the Purdy place was later located, and stood looking at the soldiers. The British officer then commanded the old man, at gun point, to start walking across the river in order that the British could see the depth of the water. Reluctantly, the old man obeyed, but as soon as he could, he sank to his knees so that the water appeared to be deep only a short distance from shore. When the old man shouted he could go no farther, the British officer, apparently satisfied, ordered his men to mount, and they rode away in the direction of Plattsburg.
Another family anecdote of this period told by Mrs. A. J. Broadwell's sister, Mrs. Fred Baker, Sr., the former Mary Ostrander of West Plattsburg, and remembered by Miss Helen Baker, now Mrs. Homer Ladd of Plattsburg, is as follows: During the War of 1812, Capt. John Baker, who lived in the old Baker Homestead in West Plattsburg (near the Baker Burying Ground) had just received his pay as a captain in the Militia, so he decided, with a British attack impending, that it would be a wise thing to take this large sum of money home to his wife, Roxanne, for safe keeping. He made a hurried trip to his home, cautioned his wife to hide the money well, and watch out for the Redcoats. Mrs. Baker finally decided that the best place to hide the money would be in the swamp back of the house by Salmon Brook. She had no sooner returned to the house when she heard someone pounding on the front door. On opening the door, she saw, too late, that it was some British soldiers. They said that they knew her husband and the other troops in Plattsburg had just been paid, and that they saw him come home so he must have brought his pay to her. They then demanded the money or else they would burn the house. Mrs. Baker, a tiny little woman, scarcely five feet tall, had a reputation, locally as "fearless." She could break colts when the men had failed, so a few "Redcoats" didn't phase her in the least. "Burn and be damned," she shouted, "Stick in your firebrands." A little astounded at this unexpected behavior in one so small, they finally stopped threatening to burn the house, but pushed their way in and started to search for the money. When they got to the bedroom and the officer drew his sword and started to rip open Mrs. Baker's best feather bed, she grabbed a sword of her husband's which was hanging from a peg, and told him if he ripped her feather bed, she would rip him open the same way. They made a thorough search of the whole house and finding nothing, demanded food. Mrs. Baker, perhaps thinking to mollify them prepared a very good meal. After eating, they praised her good cooking and called her a "brave little woman." The officer said he would give orders that no one was to come near the house and molest her again. Within a day or two the Battle of Plattsburg took place and the British were in full retreat to Canada.
On January 5, 1820, David Broadwell married his first cousin, Susan Parrot. She was born, March 18, 1800 in Morristown, New Jersey, the youngest daughter of Adoniram Parrot. Their mothers were sisters, both having been Carrols from Morristown. They started housekeeping in the brick house, built by David, Sr., on the east side of Mason Street, and their daughter, Harriet, was born in this house. In 1824-25, plans were made and work started on building the sandstone house on the west side of the road. For these times, this was a big project, as the stones were drawn by ox teams, on "stone boats, through the woods from Wood's Mill near Cadyville. So that the oxen would not become so exhausted, much of the work was done in the evening when it was cooler. Since the work progressed slowly, it was over five years before the house was completed. DeWitt Broadwell, born in 1825, said that he could just remember its being built, and some of the incidents connected with it. One incident was that a pet colt, which had lost its mother, and was being raised by hand, would walk up a plank runway used by the workmen to carry stone, to be fed. The house was finally completed in 1830-31. The work was done by local stone masons, and since most of it was cut and fitted into place, it differed from that of many stone houses in this area. When it was first built, it was the only house in that area having an oven large enough for baking in large quantities. Women used to bring their bread dough and other things to be baked and stay, sometimes all day, while the baking went on. The huge oven was located in the basement of the house, in what was originally the kitchen- -a large room approximately 15 feet wide and 30 feet long. No doubt this gave the women a chance to do a little "socializing" which they had very little of in those days. Mrs. Broadwell had a weaving and spinning room, which, before 1871, was built near where the present brick kitchen wing is located. Susan Broadwell and her daughter, Harriet, even in those days, were noted for their fine handicraft work. It is said that when the neighbors came to do baking, that the old kitchen and spinning room really "hummed: with activity, for neither their hands nor their tongues were idle. Many exquisite pieces of their handiwork is still in existence today, and is in the possession of Dr. Gilbert Dare of Plattsburg, Stanley Colburn of Washington, D.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Broadwell of Rouses Point. Susan Broadwell was also an herbalist, and served as "doctor" for the people of that area for many years. She was "on call" day or night for anyone who needed her. Her sister, Betsy (Mrs. John Mallory); also her sister, Sally (Mrs. John Hunter) were women of outstanding accomplishments. For their day they were very progressive.
Mrs. Mallory had a son, Richard, who went to Boston and became an artist and engraver of note. Two daughters, who never married, were said to be gifted artists. Mrs. Hunter had a daughter, Charlotte, who married a McElroy from Alabama and went to live near Mobile. A letter, that she wrote in 1840 to her Aunt Susan and Uncle David describing her trip from New York to Mobile Bay on a sailing vessel and also comparing conditions in Alabama with those in Plattsburg, is a masterpiece of prose for a country girl of that period to write. (The original letter is in the possession of Katherine Ostrander Rogers). Mrs. David Broadwell was also an enthusiastic gardener and raised many unusual herbs which she used in "doctoring." Tree cranberries, which she planted before the Civil War, are still flourishing. David Broadwell was a man of very high principles. He was much respected in the community and, in later life, was known by everyone as "Squire" Broadwell. He added much land to his father's original purchases and also sold much real estate, some of which may have been left from his father's lots owned in the City of Plattsburg. All this contributed to his prosperity. In politics, he was a Democrat and served for many years as Justice of the Peace. In the account of him in Hurd's HISTORY OF CLINTON AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES, is included this statement: "By his good qualities of both head and heart, he was eminently fitted for the duties of Magistrate. Benevolent in spirit, he was a safe advisor, settling many difficulties without litigation and restoring good feelings between those who would otherwise have become enemies." He served as Supervisor for the Town of Plattsburg for several terms before its division in 1848, and when Schuyler Falls was set aside as a separate town (1848), he served that town in the same capacity. David is buried in the Broadwell Cemetery beside his beloved daughter Julie Ann. (He made his wife promise that he would be buried there). Susan, his wife, is buried in the West Plattsburg Cemetery. Of their eight children, only two lived to be very old. They are as follows:
1. Harriet (1820-97) married Smith "Deacon" Mead of West Plattsburg. They lived on the Smith Mead farm in West Plattsburg, later known as the Colburn place. The original brick house, built in 1852, burned to the ground, July 31, 1884, and the Smith Meads moved over to "Uncle Bill's and Aunt Minerva's" (the next farm north, which was built by Kinner and Lucretia (Banker) Newcomb, the parents of Platt Newcomb, in 1800). Three families occupied the house that summer, as Fremont, Wm. Mead's son, had married Phoebe Riley and was living there at the time. The new house was finished and they moved into it October 31, 1884 -- exactly three months after the old one burned. As they started moving furniture, the neighbors came to help, bringing treasured possessions which the Mead's thought lost in the fire and which the neighbors had been saving for them as a surprise. For an account of the Mead family, see Hurd's HISTORY OF CLINTON AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES under Plattsburg. Smith and Harriet Mead had two daughters, Mary and Cornelia. Mary married Merrit Pierce. He died just after returning from the Civil War when only 28 years of age. They had one daughter, Harriet, who married Samuel Colburn. They lived on the Smith Mead farm. Mr. Colburn combined farming with several other business ventures, one of which was the Farm Implement business. The Colburns had two sons: Stanley and Percy. Stanley Colburn, after graduating from college, went to Washington, D.C. where he became very successful in business. He married a girl from Virginia and they have one daughter, Betty, who married a naval officer.
Mary and Mrs. Stanley Colburn now live in Miami Shores, Florida. Percy Colburn, after graduating from Plattsburg Normal, became private secretary to the Governor of Alaska. Percy died when very young. Cornelia Mead never married and lived to be very old. She is buried in the Smith Mead Lot in West Plattsburg Cemetery. She "kept alive" the handicraft arts of the old days, taught to her by her mother and grandmother, and set them up in a large downstairs bedroom which she called her "shop." She then bought some wool and had it sent to Ogdensburg to be carded. She then spun it into yarn and wove some "yarn carpets." She next started weaving blankets and coverlets, weaving her initials CAM in the borders in contrasting colors. Later she started making hooked rugs, in the old way, with strips of woolen materials. She planned her own designs and color combinations. Many of her creations are in existence today and are highly prized by people in the Plattsburg area, including Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Broadwell of Rouses Point, who were fortunate enough to have been able to buy them years ago at her shop. Miss Mead was always interested in music and learned to play both organ and piano when quite young. A beautiful old melodeon, now in the possession of Mrs. Margaret Weaver, was bought by Deacon and Mrs. Mead for Cornelia when she was a child. It is said to have been the first of its kind in West Plattsburg, and was said, by many, to have been a "sinful extravagance." For many years, Miss Mead was organist in the West Plattsburg Baptist Church, and was a Sunday School teacher of the Intermediate group. She also lectured, was an authority on the history of the church, and a delegate to every church convention. Deacon Mead and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Colburn were all very active in church and community activities. They were looked upon by the whole community with profound respect. They were truly dedicated to their work. If the Meads and Colburns approved of anything, it was generally considered to be "right" thing to do. Their passing actually marked the end of an era in the West Plattsburg Baptist Church.
2. Stephen (1828-1857) never married. He was tubercular, but liked to work in the old blacksmith shop. For a few years, he actually was able to do the work of a blacksmith, but was not well enough to continue for long. He died when he was 29, and his father then had the stone blacksmith shop torn down.
3. Julia Ann (1832-1855) was a beautiful girl with a tangle of dark curls and a rose petal complexion. She was her father's "pet" and could do no wrong. She married Gustavus Spalding, who later became a jeweler in Troy, New York, in the parlor of the stone house, in October, 1854. At this time Saratoga was very fashionable, so it was decided that this was the place for such a handsome couple to go on their wedding trip. No expense had been spared on Julie Ann's trousseau, which was the envy of every girl around. It is said that the beautiful clothes caused her death, as she wore her low cut gowns and satin slippers, in spite of the cool fall weather, and never recovered from a bad cold which turned into "quick consumption." She was only twenty-three when she died.
4. DeWitt C. (1825-1907) married his "cousin," Helen Broadwell, daughter of John and Margaret (Reynolds) Broadwell, of Essex County. (DeWitt's father, David Benton Broadwell, and Helen's grandfather, Aaron Broadwell were half-brothers). (Four little boys, brothers of the above, died in infancy and are buried in the Broadwell Cemetery). DeWitt and Helen Broadwell were married on October 25, 1854, and began housekeeping in the brick house. Their attendants were Maria Mason and Stephen Broadwell. They lived in the brick house until 1871, the time of David Broadwell's death, and then moved across the road into the stone house. All of their children were born in the brick house. In 1871, they made many improvements to the out-buildings and built a brick kitchen wing on the west side of the stone house. At this time, Mrs. Susan Broadwell moved over to the brick house, which was the place she came to as a bride. From an old account, we learn that "DeWitt and Helen Broadwell were members of the Baptist Church of West Plattsburg which was organized in 1821 and built in 1830. They were noted for their kindness, generosity and tolerance. They seldom were out of patience and were generous to a fault." To illustrate, when there was talk of building a Roman Catholic Church in Morrisonville, there was much opposition to it by the Protestants who, at that time, constituted a majority. Mr. Broadwell, a small, mild- mannered man, however, surprised everybody by taking a firm stand on this issue, declaring that every man is entitled to believe as he wishes, and that the Catholics were as much entitled to a church as anyone else. When no one would sell them the lumber for their church, Mr. Broadwell agreed to furnish it to them at a reasonable price, in spite of the sharp criticism of his neighbors. During the Civil War, he and his father regularly carried food and supplies to the needy, and at one time, they let a family whose father and husband were away at war, occupy the basement of the stone house, which in the old days had been used for family quarters.
DeWitt or "Clint" as all his family called him, (his full name was DeWitt Clinton) helped young struggling farmers get a start by lending them money. He was very kind to everyone and let people live on his extensive farm lands as squatters-rent free. His father must have let these people do the same, as an old letter written in 1840 by Charlotte Hunter, to her Aunt Susan and Uncle David, mentions the Martineaus who were living on the Broadwell farm, and says "I don't think that the darkies, here in Alabama, would change places with old Martineau, just for the sake of being free. I have not seen one but was ten times better off I just wish some of the Abolitionists could see them. They would be ashamed of what they preach." The squatters referred to, lived in a row of log cabins down in the woods near the Saranac River on the northeast section of the Broadwell farm. By this time the farm consisted of approximately 1,000 acres and the whole eastern half was nothing but woods which provided ample grounds for hunting, and , of course, the river was nearby for fishing. Many years ago, a Miss Manning, who came to teach school in Morrisonville, decided she was going to get the statistical information for her school register straight, so she finally contacted the mother of several of these children who lived in the log cabins. "When was your oldest boy born?" asked Miss Manning. "Now let's see," said the mother thoughtfully-"I think it was along in blueberry picking time." Needless to say the Crusader was left with only her good intentions. From the above data, it can be assumed that squatters, although some owned an acre of land, lived in the log cabins, locally called "Coon Alley," for nearly a hundred years. The inhabitants hunted, fished, and quarreled among themselves, but were ordinarily no menace to outsiders. On Saturday night, they all walked into Morrisonville, to get supplies, to get drunk or both. They always came to the meat market of Jack Broadwell where they filled burlap sacks with waste meat, soup bones, salt pork that was getting too old for regular sale, and whatever else was free, and after thanking him with a quiet dignity that they all possessed, called to their women who were standing outside, gave them the bags to carry, and they all started back for the woods-single file, the men leading; the women bringing up the rear. It is said that they were extremely healthy and probably very happy.
DeWitt Broadwell was a shrewd business man and became very prosperous in his diversified business enterprises, such as raising "dapple-gray" horses, sheep on Rand Hill, making maple sugar in large quantities, selling lumber and logs, and sending hop poles by the carload as far away as Cooperstown, New York. All of DeWitt's and Helen's children were sent away to boarding school. The boys to Poultney; and Nettie to Potsdam Normal with her friend, Miss Julia Smith, daughter of "Elder" Smith. Later Julia Smith married Dr. Cyrenus Vaughn, who for many years was a doctor in Morrisonville. It is Mrs. Vaughn who furnished some of the little anecdotes included in this history. After finishing at Poultney, Frank Broadwell entered Cornell. He was graduated from Cornell, with a degree in Civil Engineering, being in the first graduating class of that institution.
Mrs. Helen Broadwell was a fine looking woman, but a semi-invalid for many years. She dressed very well and had a special carriage, lined with blue velvet, for her own personal use. In later years, she never went out except to go to church. Her sons were very devoted to her and waited on her constantly. She missed her daughter very much while she was at school and after she left home to be married. In a house full of men (with the exception of two "hired girls") she felt the need for feminine companionship so her niece, Charlotte Broadwell, came to live at the stone house and soon started teaching in the Mason Street School. They were very fond of one another and spent many long winter evenings discussing books and what they had read, as they were both "literary" types. DeWitt and Helen, who are buried in the West Plattsburg Cemetery, had the following children:
1. Julia Antoinette (Nettie) b. August 25, 1855, married Charles Ostrander of Plattsburg, who owned and operated a men's clothing store, and had two children: Earl, b. October 14,1879, who married Helen Jones of Baltimore, Maryland, April 30, 1915. They have five children; namely, Charles, Helen, Dorothy, Philip and Earl, Jr. They live in and around Baltimore. Another child of Charles and Nettie Ostrander was Katherine (Katy), who married William A. Rogers, Brother of Dr. Avery Rogers of Plattsburg. They lived in Bethesda, Maryland, and never had any children. Nettie Broadwell Ostrander died March 7, 1883, and the two children, Earl and Katy, who were very young, came to live with their grandparents, DeWitt and Helen Broadwell at the Broadwell stone house. They were always fascinated with stories and old family tales of the Broadwells, and it is largely due to them that many of these interesting sidelights have been preserved. Katy was so fascinated by the story of Julie Ann and her beautiful clothes, that as a child, she used to imagine her wandering about the upper hall and down the front stairway of the old stone house looking beautiful but tragic in all her finery. Katy was also interested in painting and made many sketches of the old Broadwell place while visiting at Broadwells or at Dr. Rogers in Plattsburg. She used to while away many an hour in the three attics at her grandfather's house, looking at old clothes, letters, books, spinning wheels and looms, which had accumulated since the Broadwells came to Mason Street in 1804. It was her dream to one day be able to come back to the stone house to live, but she died in Maryland when still quite young.
2. Frank Adoniram Broadwell was born July 3, 1859. He died in Omaha, Nebraska, November 1, 1935. Frank was a very apt scholar when in Poultney. He later attended Cornell and was in the first graduating class of that college, where he received his degree in Civil Engineering. At one time he taught school in this area and later went West to seek his fortune. In Omaha, Nebraska, he went into the building supply and fuel business under the firm name of "Broadwell and Roberts; at one time this was the biggest business of its kind in South Omaha. In Omaha, he met and married Gertrude Glasgow, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Marshall Glasgow, who had come to Omaha from Washing County, Iowa. Frank Broadwell and his charming wife, Gertrude, were well known in Omaha, and evidently throughout the state as the Democrats nominated him for Governor of Nebraska about the turn of the century. Frank and Gertrude had three children: Frank Andrew b. September 7, 1897, died October 23, 1980; David Glasgow, b. July 17, 1901; and Gertrude Helen, b. December 20,1903.
Frank Andrew married Josselyn Stone of Omaha, June 6, 1923. He always wanted to become a doctor, but he felt he must continue the family business, as that was his father's wish. At the University of Nebraska, from which he graduated, he majored needless to say, in a field other than medicine. Frank and Josselyn Broadwell had but one child, Josselyn Stone Broadwell, b May 10, 1924. She attended the University of Nebraska, where she planned a pre-med major. Deciding later that some other field would be more rewarding to a woman, she changed her course and received her degree in a different field. She married, on February 17, 1945, Neal S. Campbell of Grain Valley, Jackson County, Missouri. Mr. Campbell, (356 Northfield Way, Camillus, NY 13031) an engineer with the General Electric Company, is at present, doing work in connection with management engineering at the Syracuse Plant. Because of his work, they have to move about considerably, but they consider Omaha their real home. The have four fine sons.
David Broadwell, brother of Frank Andrew, married Ollie Johnson of Minneapolis. They never had any children and died in 1961. Gertrude Helen, who was a very attractive girl, married Gustave R. Wolf of Omaha and had two children: Winifred, b December 15, 1927, and Gustave Raymond, b. July 13, 1931. Mrs. Wolf (Gertrude Broadwell) died when still quite young and Mr. Wolf married again.
3. Fred, b. July 27, 1861, is said to have been very handsome. He had "consumption" and had to live most of the time at Chazy Lake where the air was less humid than in Morrisonville. John Wever, husband of Harriet Broadwell, used to tell about how the young people, himself included, from the Schuyler falls area used to go up to the Lake to be company to Fred, who though far from well, always liked a good time, and was, himself, the life of a party. One time when an especially big social had been planned in Schuyler Falls, and to which all the young people were going, Fred came down from the Lake to go. That night, after the party, he was taken with a bad coughing spell which turned into a hemorrhage so bad that Dr. Vaughn and Mrs. Adeline Broadwell, who was Fred's favorite, and who had been sent for in the middle of the night, could do nothing to effectively stop it. Fred's mother, who was not well, was forced to leave the room. When Fred saw that his mother was out of the room, he called for Aunt Ad to hold him, and a smile lit up his face as he died in her arms. Mrs. Adeline Broadwell always cried when she told this story as she could not become reconciled to the fact that one so young and so handsome would have to find life finished at age 26, especially when he enjoyed it so much and was such a favorite with both young and old. It is said that his funeral was the largest ever held in Morrisonville.
4. Milton, b August 29, 1857, first married Addie Crosby Baker, daughter of Flavel and Alice (Sutherland) Crosby, and the adopted daughter of Mrs. Octavia Baker, who built what later was known as the Frank Rugar house in Morrisonville. When Addie's parents died, she went to live with Mrs. Baker, who had no children of her own. They were devoted to one another. After Milton and Addie were married, they went to live in the Broadwell stone house on Mason Street where their only child, Crosby, was born October 22, 1893. Mrs. Broadwell died soon afterwards and Crosby went to live with his Uncle Frank and Aunt Gertrude in Omaha, Nebraska. Milton Broadwell then engaged Mrs. Charity to keep house for him. Mr. and Mrs. William Charity were English people who came from Canada in the 1870's and bought a farm in the vicinity of the present Macomb Park, west of Schuyler Falls. Mr. Charity died when still young, leaving Mrs. Charity with two children, Laura Alice (Flossie) b. June 6, 1880 and George. Mr. Charity was born in England and first settled in Montreal. Here he met his wife who was an orphan girl who had been adopted by a family named Miller. After their marriage, they lived in Canada for a while, then migrated to the States. Since there were absolutely no relatives, except in England, to turn to, after Mr. Charity's death, Mrs. Charity sold her farm and came to the stone house to keep house for Milton Broadwell. On September 18, 1907, Milton Broadwell married Laura Charity. She was a kind-hearted, unselfish person who was always making sacrifices for others. She was especially fond of children and always took one or two "Fresh Air" children sent up from New York each summer. One year, she brought home a little colored girl who was about to be sent back on the train because no one would accept her when they saw she was negro. Milton and Flossie lived in the stone house all their married life. All their children were born there. Milton Broadwell lived on the Broadwell farm, which he inherited from his father, and continued the various business ventures of his father including the raising of "dapple gray" horses. Other stock was also raised on the farm, but farming in the general sense of the word was of minor consequence. A tenant house now long gone, located on the crossroad, housed a large family who worked on the farm, tending the dairy and wood lots. Hay, however, was raised in very large quantities. Three large storage barns, located on the east side of the road, supplemented by the barns on the west side, were used to store hay. Huge scales, which could weigh a load of hay and a team of horses were located on the west side of the road near the horse barn. Since they were the only scales of their kind for miles around, some one was always driving up for the "weighing in." At one time, hay from the farm was sold exclusively to Dannemora Prison. During this period, convicts and their guards, came down from Dannemora to do the haying, which in those days was a long, hard job. People from Plattsburg "rented" pasturage for their horses during the summer. Sunday afternoons were usually very busy at the farm as the Plattsburg people liked to go for a drive and also see how the horses were doing in the pasture. Tempted with sugar and carrots, the horses would usually come up to the main gate to be petted and fed. Milton kept several good riding horses and rode every day. He had quite a collection of saddles, western boots, braided quirts, riatas, and other leather pieces of riding gear which his brothers, Frank and Herb, had sent from Nebraska, then part of the "wild and wooly West."
In the early 1900's, Milton's home was the center of much of the social activity around Morrisonville. It was here that the Morrisonville Riding Club, organized by Dr. Gilbert Dare, had its headquarters. It was also here that many meetings of the Morrisonville Improvement Society were held. The village improvement society's most active members were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Clough, (Mrs. Clough, who was formerly Mrs. Clark of Peru, and the mother of Silas B. Clark, the orchardist, and Mrs. Charles M. Harrington of Plattsburg, was the founder of the society), Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Sorell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sorell, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayres, Dr. Gilbert Dare, Mrs. Adelia Banker, Miss Nan Baker, Mr. Amos Avery, Mr. John Broadwell and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Broadwell. Of course, there were many other people who were also members. The society was finally able to raise money enough to have the old board sidewalks taken up in Morrisonville and cement ones put in, to have lamposts and kerosene lights installed on all the main streets, and to build a triangular shaped "park" with a curbing around it at the point where Mason Street joins Main Street in Morrisonville. Another campaign to "clean up" and paint all unsightly old buildings was also quite a success. With the advent of World War 1, all these activities ceased, many of the people died or moved away-the "horse and buggy days" were gone- finished. The era of leisure time and gracious living had come to an end. Milton Broadwell died on January 3, 1929.
He and his two wives are buried in the West Plattsburg Cemetery. The children of Milton and Laura (Flossie) are as follows: Keith, born August 3, 1910, and Russell and Ruth (twins) born April 11, 1914. Crosby Broadwell, b October 22, 1893, as explained above, (died April 1963 Bradenton, Fla.), lived with his Uncle Frank and Aunt Gertrude in Omaha, Nebraska. While living there, he attended the University of Nebraska. Later, he served in World War I. He was called to Morrisonville by the illness of his step-mother, who had become very fond of him when he came visiting his father during summer vacations. He was persuaded to stay and help with managing the farm and other business, as his father was none too well either. Flossie died in 1926, and Milton, her husband, died January 3, 1929. Crosby was left with the difficult task of raising and caring for his small half-brothers and sister. After the children were grown, Crosby married Beatrice Gladd, daughter of George and Jennie (Pierce) Gladd of Whallonsburg, Essex County, New York, on June 10, 1931 (died Aug 20, 1966). They have no children. For some years, Crosby and Beatrice lived in the stone house on the Broadwell farm, but in later years, they built several houses on the east side of Mason Street and moved into one of them. Crosby turned one of the barns on the farm into a farm machine and farm equipment center and called it "Broadwells Farm Store." His business venture was very successful and his store became known throughout northern New York. From 1941-43, Crosby contracted to do the grading and seeding of the Plattsburg Municipal Airport and shortly after he did the same type of work at the Saranac Lake Municipal Airport at Lake Clear Junction. Later, when the S A C Air Base was built, just outside of Plattsburg, Crosby made a deal with some of the construction companies to furnish sand, gravel and other grading supplies for the Air Base from gravel beds located near the east end of his farm. This area, which was leased to a large construction company, has been very extensively developed and known throughout the area as one of the main sources of sand and gravel. When Beckwith Street was modernized in 1961-62, most of the grading materials were drawn from the Broadwell farm. Mr. and Mrs. Broadwell spend their winters in Bradenton, Florida, where they also have a home.
Keith S. Broadwell, b August 03, 1910, the oldest of Milton and Flossie Broadwell, married Norma H. Robbins, b. Jan 07,1915. daughter of Claude and Bessie Robbins of Ticonderoga, New York, in Oct 29, 1932. Keith was a guard at Dannemora State Prison and lived in Dannemora. They had three children.
Russell b. April 11, 1914, married Carman Darrah, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Darrah of Cadyville, New York in 1935. Mrs. Broadwell died several years ago. They had two children: Virginia, b. May 28, 1935, who is a teacher and the wife of the Rev. Richard Campbell, died in Aug, 1996. Mrs. Campbell has always been active in church work and other community activities from the time she was very young. They have two children.
Ruth b. April 11, 1914, (twin sister of Russell) married Morris Bradley of Rand Hill, in October, 1932. They have several children.
5. Herbert the youngest child of Dewitt and Helen Broadwell, b. March 25, 1867, never married. He went to live with his brother, Frank, in Omaha, Nebraska where he died July 2, 1917. Andrew Jackson Broadwell, (always called Jack) was the son of John and Margaret (Reynolds) Broadwell. He was the only brother of Helen Broadwell, who married her cousin, Dewitt Broadwell. Jack was born in Essex County, New York, on November 30, 1829. His mother died when he was about ten years old, and Jack and Helen went to live with relatives. Helen with the Willetts; and Jack with his uncle, Orrin Reynolds. Mr. Willett was a minister in Essex, where he was employed in 1850. When quite young, Jack went to Ogdensburg, New York to learn the Miller's trade in the flour mills of that town. After this he became miller for Lewis Cady of Essex, where he was employed in 1850. Later, he was married to someone unknown (he never would tell the girl's name) and the marriage, evidently a youthful mistake, was annulled. Later, it is thought to be 1856, he came to West Plattsburg to be the Miller in Fordham's mill, and at about this time, met and married, for his second wife, Adeline Ostrander, b. October 7, 1834, the youngest child of James and Huldah (Fordham) Ostrander.
The Ostranders were in the first contingent of settlers to come to Clinton County with the Platts from Duchess County in 1785. Hendrick Ostrander, the father of James, has the distinction of having been the parent of the first white child born in the Plattsburg settlement (Ida Ostrander b. September 7, 1785). Ida grew to womanhood and married a Griffith. She is buried in the Baker Burying ground in West Plattsburg. Had the Ostranders given birth to a son, they would have received 50 acres of land from the proprietors, as this had been set aside as a prize for the first boy to be born in the settlement. As it was, the 50 acres of land were awarded to the Newcombs at the time of the birth of their son, Platt Newcomb. The Ostranders were noted hunters, originally using bow and arrows for hunting. Hendrick Ostrander was such an expert archer, that his reputation, as such, was second to none. In one of the first Independence Day Celebrations to be held in West Plattsburg, he was coaxed into doing a "William Tell Act" by the townspeople. He reluctantly consented. In the afternoon, as a highlight to the program, he was scheduled to shoot an apple off his son's head. When the big moment came, Hendrick became rather nervous with a big crowd watching. He wished a thousand times that he never consented to do such a thing. Taking careful aim, he finally shot the arrow at the target, but in spite of being a good shot it was not up to his usual standard, for it grazed the boy's head enough to draw a few drops of blood. He never stopped talking in later years about being talked into doing such a foolhardy thing. Hendrick Ostrander and his wife are buried on what was their farm on the South side of the road, across from the St. Denis Nursing Home, in West Plattsburg. His grave has been the object of much search, but it cannot be definitely located. The markers evidently were knocked down, and the younger people, who had the graves shown to them by their parents, cannot remember the exact location.
Jack Broadwell never liked his miller's trade as the dust in the mills gave him unending respiratory ailments. He soon gave up this trade and became a cattle dealer. Later, he formed a partnership with his brother-in-law, Fred Baker, of West Plattsburg and they built a store at the west end of town just above Fordham's mill. Jack Broadwell then built a house near the store. Most of his children were born here. These buildings, some of which were still standing, were torn down in the 30's when the new road from West Plattsburg to Cadyville was built. As business became increasingly good, Jack decided to sell groceries and supplies to the Adirondack towns to the west. He used to make trips through to Saranac Lake which lasted nearly a week. Heavy wagons, drawn by four-horse teams were used. It was on trips like these that he met two people who became life-long friends: Walter Rice and his sister, Anna Liza, later to become Mrs. Eugene Woodruff, pioneer hotel owners in Saranac Lake. About this time, he bought several acres of land in what later was to become the business district of the town, but as prospects for development did not seem too good in the early days, he sold them before they became so valuable-an error that he always regretted.
During the Civil War, when there was a great scarcity of foodstuffs, the village of Saranac Lake was without supplies for sometime. When Jack Broadwell finally was able to secure supplies and make delivery, there was great rejoicing in the village, and a public baking was held with the first white flour the settlers had been able to obtain in months.
Later the partners had trouble and the business failed completely. Left with almost nothing, and six children, Jack Broadwell had to begin all over again. For a time the family saw really hard times. They moved into a small run-down house, on the John Hunter place, (then occupied by Dr. Jabez Bidwell, son of Dr. L. F. Bidwell). The Bidwells helped Jack get a new start and they became life-long friends. In 1875, Jack Broadwell came to Morrisonville and built a house just west of the bridge on the north side of the road. In order to build here it was necessary to build up the low-lying land with dozens of wagon loads of stones. At the time it was thought to be impractical, but Jack was "notional" and nothing could change his mind about the location. After the house was built, he added a lean-to section on the west side and started a meat market there. The next year, 1876, his youngest child, Eugenia, named after Dr. Bidwell's wife, Eugenia Moore, was born-the only one of the children to have been born in Morrisonville. Jack's business, at first, was slow, so to supplement his income, he contracted with Dannemora Prison to furnish socks and mittens for the staff and inmates. Soon the two women, whom he had hired to knit, could not complete the necessary work. His four oldest daughters then started knitting, hoping to be able to complete the weekly orders. They worked from early morning until late at night and became such experts that in later years, they thought nothing of knitting a dress or suite out of boucle and other different yarns. The "knitting business" proved to be too much of a project for everyone concerned and the contract was finally canceled. Later Jack bought a farm, the Wilcox Lot, from his brother-in-law, Clint Broadwell. This was a part of the David Broadwell farm. In those days there was no house there, except for one "way down in the woods" which stood on a little rise of ground near a spring. There were barns, at the west end of the farm, to house the cattle. Later Sherman Broadwell took over the management and operation of the farm. As business improved, a larger place was needed for the meat market, so in 1898, work started on the "market" which was built on the west side of the Broadwell lot in Morrisonville. Sherman and John Broadwell, Jack Broadwell's two sons, took over the business, and Mr. Broadwell went into semi-retirement. The new building was made almost entirely of wood cut on the farm and sawed and planed at Purdy's Mill. It was completely finished so that John Broadwell, who was married in December, 1899, could move into the flat over the market early in 1900. The sales slips of the new firm, Broadwell Bros., stated that they had Choice Western Meat, Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fish and Oysters in Season." Three carts were run daily to other towns, with supplies from the market. One driven by John Wever (husband of Harriet Broadwell) went to Wood's Mill, Cadyville and Hardscrabble. Another, driven by Sherm Broadwell went to Peru, via Beckwith Street and Schuyler Falls, and returned by way of Valcour. Another, driven by John Broadwell, made the Plattsburg trip via State Road. Jack Broadwell and two clerks tended to the business locally. Due to poor management or too much competition, or both, business declined after 1911, and the second enterprise, started by Jack Broadwell was lost again. Sherman Broadwell moved to Schenectady and John Broadwell, in 1912 became a partner of Martin Harris in the furniture and undertaking business. Both floors of the Broadwell market were converted into quarters for the new partnership of "Harris and Broadwell." The partnership was dissolved in 1916, at which time Martin Harris moved to the former Pierce Building diagonally across the street, and John Broadwell became a salesman for Culver Brothers (Wrought Iron Range Company, the makers of the Home Comfort Range) of St. Louis, Missouri. In a few years, John became District Sales Superintendent of the Northeastern Division of the company and remained in that position until his death in 1930.
Although Jack Broadwell was temperamental and difficult to live with, and was never rich in worldly goods, he can be remembered, however, as a great humanitarian. He was generous to a fault. He would do anything for anyone who was "down on his luck." For many years he gave away milk to families who needed it for their children. The same was true for those who needed groceries and meat. Baskets went regularly to the needy. Although he had a family of eight children, he took in and raised two boys who were not wanted by their parents. He gave them a good home and taught them a trade. In later years, both boys became outstandingly successful when they engaged in the same kind of business for themselves.
In politics, Mr. Broadwell disagreed with the other Broadwells, who were all "old-line" Democrats. In 1860, he joined the Republican ranks and voted for Lincoln, who became his idol. He followed every move that Lincoln made after his election, and, for that matter, through Lincoln's entire career. He thought that Lincoln had real greatness. Mr. Broadwell took politics very seriously and could talk for hours on what was going on in Washington. He was well informed, too, about current topics as he subscribed to two daily papers and would let no one touch them until he had first sewed the pages together with a darning needle and coarse thread which were conveniently kept for this purpose beneath the seat of his rocking chair. By doing this he felt that no page could get lost or in the wrong place when he came back to his reading after waiting on a customer. He not only read his newspapers from cover to cover but also had total recall of what he had read, and if in the proper mood, was a most interesting conversationalist. His nephew, Frank broadwell, when home from Cornell, used to enjoy talking about public affairs with Uncle Jack whom he thought more interesting than many of the professors at the college.
Since Mr. Broadwell had only a common school education, he wanted all his children to have better advantages. When they completed what education was locally available, he made sacrifices to send them all to "select school." Although neither Mr. or Mrs. Broadwell was particularly interested in music or singing, all their children became so interested that their home became a community center for musical rehearsals of all kinds. Chief among these was a minstrel club, known as the "Morrisonville Komical Klub," which became well-known throughout Northern New York. It featured an especially good quartet composed of Sherman Broadwell, Anson Ayers, John Broadwell, and Henry Riley. Bertha Ayers and Gene Broadwell usually played accompaniments for the club rehearsals.
Mrs. Jack Broadwell (Adeline Ostrander) was a kind, sweet person who never became flustered or upset-totally unlike her husband, who was the exact opposite. She was noted for her good looks, wonderful character and superior cooking. She never really looked old, and kept her smooth skin and pink and white complexion until her death, August 17, 1911. Jack Broadwell died on March 8, 1915. They are buried in the West Plattsburg Cemetery. Their ten children are as follows:
1. Adeline, "Addie" b. in 1858, married Alfred Caswell of Keeseville. They lived in Keeseville, Plattsburg and Morrisonville. Mrs. Caswell did not live long after her marriage. Her husband, Alfred, was a carpenter, and later a contractor. He had a great deal to do with the building of the Plattsburg Barracks and also built the Vilas Home in Plattsburg. Addie is buried in the A. J. Broadwell lot in West Plattsburg. One child died in infancy.
2. Helen, b. July 3, 1860, d. September 12, 1933, married Archie A. McAllister of Keeseville, b. August 25, 1861, d. May 16,1945. Archie was the brother of the Rev. W.C. McAllister who organized and founded the First Baptist Church in Plattsburg. The McAllisters lived in Keeseville for a while; then "went West" for a short time; then to Manchester, New Hampshire, where their son, Raymond, was born in 1885. Shortly after, they moved to Schenectady, New York, where Mr. McAllister was employed by the General Electric Company for over 50 years. They built a house in Schenectady where their son, Harold, still lives. Ray was well known locally as a singer, died in 1915. When Mrs. John Broadwell died in 1907 leaving a baby daughter, Priscilla, the McAllisters, who had always wanted a daughter, took the baby, then only two weeks old, to live with them. Two years later, their second son, Harold, was born, October 22, 1909. Helen and Archie were the most unselfish and generous people. Their home was a mecca for all their relatives and friends-not only in time of trouble-but all the time.
Helen McAllister was a friend and advisor to all her family-both young and old. Everyone respected her opinions and leaned on her in time of need. Although she was physically a tiny person, she was a colossus in character and in good deeds. She was happy in making others happy. Her home was always a center for church activities and musical rehearsals. She was determined that both Harold and Priscilla would become good musicians, and no practicing or lessons were ever neglected. Happily, she lived to see her dreams materialize. Just about every member of Helen's family, at one time or another, came to live with her. Her brothers, Sherman and John both died at her home; also Mr. McAllister's mother, who lived to be nearly 100 years old. Both Archie and Helen are buried in the McAllister lot in Evergreen Cemetery, Keeseville, New York.
Harold B. McAllister, b. October 22, 1909, Married on October 22, 1932, Edith Webster, granddaughter of Mrs. Margaret Hayes of Alplaus, New York. Edith's parents had died young and she made her home with her maternal grandmother. Summers were often spent with her paternal grandmother Webster in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. (The Webster family were Empire Loyalists in the revolution and migrated from New England to Canada, after 1776, with others whose property had been confiscated). Harold is a talented musician, singer and commercial artist. At one time he had his own program on radio station WGY. He is also active in civic and church affairs. He is employed in the commercial art department of the Atomic Research Laboratory at "The Knolls," in Schenectady, New York. Mrs. McAllister, who looks as young and pretty as ever, is a secretary in one of the offices of the General Electric Company. Harold and Edith's two sons are: Harold Jr., (Mac) b. April 8, 1935 and Paul R. b. February 11, 1938.
"Mac" married, October 10, 1957, Patricia Kovatchitch of Milford, New York. They live in Melford and have two children: Sheila Ann, b. April 1, 1959 and Bruce Paul, b. January, 1962. Paul McAllister, (unmarried) is a student at the university of Buffalo.
3. Charlotte M., b. May 31, 1862, d. July, 1952, when but a very young child, chose her vocation and never had even one small regret, in later life, about her early decision. One day, when about six, she was "helping" her mother with the dishes when all of a sudden she threw down her dish towel and announced, "When I get my `stiffcate' not another dish will I wash." It was later learned that she meant her teacher's certificate. Her parents thought this very amusing, and used to talk about it years later when "Lottie" had become a teacher, and a very excellent one, too. In those days teacher's pay was two or three dollars a week, plus board and room. One summer, after she had taught for several terms in Peasleville and in the Broadwell district on Mason Street, Morrisonville, some "cousins" from Illinois (some of the Baxter Broadwell family) came "visiting" and talked "Uncle Jack" into allowing Lottie to go back to Illinois with them where people were "progressive" and new opportunities were available for everyone with "vision" and "ability," so she went to Illinois that fall and started teaching in the Illinois schools. While living there, she met Dr. James Bandel, b. May 19, 1852, and they were married June 23, 1891. Dr. Bandel's mother, Lodema Morse, was a cousin of Samuel F.B. Morse, so in a way, they were remotely related. After they were married, they moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where their first child, Maude A. born April 2, 1894. In 1895, they moved on west to the Indian Territory where their second daughter Agnes W. was born, September 13, 1901. Another child, Margaret R. born, September 14, 1904, died in infancy. When they first came to this new land, conditions were very primitive, and until the doctor could build a home and establish his practice, they lived for a time at one of the old Spanish Missions, which at that time were scattered throughout the Southwest. One day while the Doctor was out making calls, the good sisters were alarmed by seeing a large band of horsemen rapidly approaching the mission. They hastily barred the gates and withdrew to the inner rooms, frightened by what might happen in such a lonely outpost. The riders dismounted and began pounding on the gates and shouting to open up or they would break in anyway. Finally the sister Superior said the only thing to do was to trust in GOD, banish all fear, and to conduct oneself with dignity when facing the unwelcome intruders. She said that Mrs. Bandel should take her baby, Maude, in her arms and stand next to her and appear to be unafraid. The gates were opened and the men poured in, but upon seeing this little tableaux, stopped somewhat astonished, doffed their hats and stood in respectful silence while their leader told the sister that they were the Daltons and were looking for a man who had headed in the direction of the mission the night before. The sister told them no such stranger had been seen in the vicinity and that if they wanted to they could search the buildings or take her word for it that no one was being given sanctuary. They took her word," and after saying, "Sorry Ma'm" rode off in another direction. The women were badly shaken by this little incident for at this time, indiscriminate shootings, violence and disorder were an everyday occurrence in this lawless land. Shortly after this the Bandels settled in Ramona, Oklahoma, where the Doctor established his practice. They lived here for many years until after the Doctor's death in May 1915. With the discovery of oil, the whole land changed rapidly, so that almost overnight, people became millionaires, cities and towns sprang up as the new found wealth poured in. With all these innovations, the frontier quickly disappeared. One of the strangest sights at this time was to see blanket Indians from the Osage Reservation, ride in to town in their limousines looking straight ahead-proudly disdainful of whatever was going on about them-they had at last "come into their own"-in spite of every effort that had been made by unscrupulous land agents to cheat them out of their inheritance.
After the Doctor's death, Charlotte went back to teaching school which she loved as dearly as ever. She studied summers at the University for the sheer love of it and carried her new ideas into her classroom. She was a truly dedicated teacher of the old school-one who inspires and is so well remembered. She died in Oklahoma City in July 1952, being in her ninety-first year.
Maude Bandel, b. April 2, 1894, was graduated from Oklahoma A & M, at Stillwater, and for a short time after graduation engaged in teaching. While attending A & M, she met William Casper Kite, an oil geologist, b. November 13, 1891, whom she married September 23, 1918. Maude is a charming person and has a wide field of interests. After their marriage, the Kites located in Oklahoma City, where Mr. Kite became a member of the firm, Perrine & Kite, Oil Geologists. Later he started his own business, which I believe deals mainly in oil estates. Both Maude and "Cap" are well-known in Oklahoma City where for many years they played a prominent part in the business, civil and social life of that city. Five years ago, they retired and are now living at the Bahama Club, Naples, Florida. Maude and Cap have two sons, Dr. William C. Kite, Jr., b. July 6, 1919, and James Bandel Kite, b. August 11, 1923.
1. Dr. William C. Kite is a neuro-surgeon of Albany, New York. He is a graduate of John Hopkins and McGill and is well-known in his field in both central and northern New York. On September 2, 1944, he married Dorothy Ann Havener, b. January 18, 1923, of Middletown, New York. They have four sons: William C. Kite, III, b June 6, 1945; Charles Havener, b. August 15, 1949; Thomas Morgans, b. January 20, 1953, and John Taylor, b. May 27, 1958.
2. James Bandel Kite lives in Oklahoma City where he continues the business started by his father. He is a graduate of Oklahoma University, and is well-known in the business and social world of Oklahoma City. On June 27, 1947, he married Virginia Vose, b. April 8, 1926, of Texas. They have three children: Carolyn, b. December 29, 1949, and Virginia and James, twins, b. July 10, 1951.
3. Agnes W. Bandel, b. September 13, 1901, was graduated from the University of Oklahoma at Norman, having majored in art. She afterwards became an artist, and worked in Chicago. Later she became an art teacher and taught in Oklahoma City and New Mexico. At the present time, she is doing social service work in New York City.
4. Sherman, b. March 5, 1864, d. September, 1927. Although a very handsome man, he never married. He was a person of very high principles and great dignity. He had a fine bass voice and sang for many years in the church choir as well as in all the local musicals. He was rather stern at times and did not like to see anyone "get out of line." He possessed great muscular strength and the story is told of some young fellow who was getting rather obnoxious in the Broadwell market, and was properly put in place by Sherm, who grabbed him with one hand, and held him dangling in the air until he agreed to behave himself. He died at the home of his sister, Helen McAllister, Schenectady, New York, where he made his home in his declining years.
5. Harriet, b. May 2, 1866, d. September 12, 1942. She became the wife of John Wever of Schuyler Falls, son of Benjamin Wever and his wife, Sarah Ketchum Weaver, (Mrs. Wever please note was W-e-a-v-e-r and married a W-e-v-e-r). She was the daughter of Peter Weaver, an original settler of Beckwith Street. (For an account of the Weavers, see HISTORY OF CLINTON AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES and Schuyler Falls). John and Harriet Wever made their home, during most of their married life, in Morrisonville, New York, where Mr. Wever had a poultry farm. Their attractive home was located on the Kent's Falls Road. They were very hospitable people and their home was always the center of much activity. Mrs. Wever was a "perfectionist" in everything she did. She was never quite satisfied with her exquisite needlework, tatting, or superior cooking. To everyone else her handiwork was better than excellent, but she generally felt that it was not quite up to par. She was a great reader and read many books over and over again. Her favorites were the works of Charles Dickens and Thackeray. The characters in these classics were as familiar to her as Matt Dillon and Chester are to most Americans today. In their old age, Mr. and Mrs. Wever moved to Plattsburg and lived for several years, at 56 Brinkerhoff Street, which had at one time been the home of relatives of Mr. Wever's. Mrs. Wever died here in September 1942. Mr. Wever then went to live at his mother's old home on Beckwith Street, where his daughter, Margaret, who had married Laurence Weaver, was then living. Mr. Wever died in his 87th year, having been born February 20, 1864. They are both buried in the Schuyler Falls Cemetery.
The children of John and Harriet Broadwell) Wever: 1A. Harry B. b. May 3, 1892, married Mary Lion, the only child of Andrew and Alice (Bull) Lyon of Willsboro, New York. Both the Lyon and the Bull families were pioneer settlers of Essex county. (See HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY). Mrs. Wever was a teacher in Ausable Forks before her marriage, and a graduate of Plattsburg normal. After their marriage following World War 1, in which Harry Wever served as sergeant in the A.E.F. in France, they went to live on the Lyon farm on the Reber Road in Willsboro. Mr. Wever turned part of the land into a poultry farm and is still engaged in this business, while his son, Benjamin, runs the remainder as a dairy farm. Mrs. Wever, b. February 22, 1897, died May 17, 1948. Their children are Mary E., b. December 14, 1922, who is a business partner of her father in their poultry farm. Benjamin l. b. October 16, 1924, who has many other business interests besides managing his dairy farm. He is always lending a "helping hand" to his many friends and neighbors and is practically indispensable to the community. Edith B and Alice Elaine, twins, were born March 11, 1926. Elaine died in infancy, and Edith, who was a sewing instructor, married Richard Baker of Syracuse, New York. They now live in Columbus, Ohio. Helen A., b. May 16, 1929, is an efficient housekeeper and "general manager" for the family. The Wevers, who are a closely-knit unit, are well known and liked by everyone in the community.
2A. Blanche K. b. August 30, 1896, has had a business career. Before she was married, she was the first woman to be manager of a large business in the Plattsburg area, the Kirk-Maher Ice Cream Company. Her versatility covers many fields besides business and includes sports, gardening, upholstering, antiques, fine sewing, painting and music. She is, like her mother, a "perfectionist." Whatever she does is superior in quality. In 1929, she married Wayne Tifft, a Civil Engineer who had recently graduated from R.P.I. and had come to Plattsburg as state engineer to construct the MacDonough Monument. Later they were divorced and she married in 1942, William Hillegas, son of Dr. and Mrs. Milo Hillegas of Cumberland Head. He was a teacher and taught in many colleges including Westminister in Indiana and Russell Sage in Troy, NY. Mrs. Hillegas has now retired and makes her home with her sister, Mrs. Margaret Weaver, in a house that was once part of the "Weaver Orchards" on Beckwith Street, Morrisonville, New York, (d. 1973).
3A. Margaret S. b. February 18,1902, married her third cousin, Laurence Weaver, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weaver, of Beckwith Street, in November, 1937. (Mrs. Weaver's grandmother, Sarah Ketchum Weaver, and Mr. Weaver's grandfather, Junius Weaver, were children of Peter Weaver, an original settler of Beckwith Street). Margaret and Lawrence went to live at his home, The Weaver Orchards, a well-known apple orchard in this area, after they were married. Their home became the center of much social activity as the years went by and their many friends will never forget their kind hospitality. After Mr. Weaver's death, Mrs. Weaver resumed her career as music teacher in the local schools. She, too, is a perfectionist in her work and turns out the most finished operettas and musical programs that one could ever hope to see and hear. She is also an accomplished pianist, having obtained her musical education in the New York School of Music and Arts and Skidmore College. Mrs. Weaver is known and loved by the whole community and her home on Beckwith Street and her camp on Cumberland Head are always open to her multitude of friends.
6. John, b. June 30, 1870, d. November 23, 1930, married Priscilla Garrison Dare, daughter of the Rev. Samuel Craig and Adelia (Davis) Dare of Morrisonville, New York on December 19, 1899. She was also a sister of Dr. Gilbert DeWitt Dare, who for many years was a general practitioner in the Morrisonville-Plattsburg area. Mr. Dare was a Baptist minister who had come from New Jersey in the 1880's to serve as minister of the West Plattsburg Baptist Church. This fine old church, organized in 1821, and built in 1830, was dedicated in 1833. It first stood on the south side of the street but was moved to the north side, where it now stands, soon after it was built. About this time, the steeple was added. Mr. Dare was retained as pastor for the next fourteen years and then retired. Upon retiring, he bought the Carroll place on Mason Street and lived there until his death in 1915. The Dares were pioneer settlers of the "West Jersey" colony, their progenitor, Captain William Dare, (a sea captain) having settled in Back Neck, Fairfield Township, in 1695. Captain Dare emigrated from Dorset, England to Philadelphia where in 1682, he built the "Blue Anchor Inn" on Dock Street, the headquarters of William Penn on the occasion of his landing. Captain Dare later moved to West Jersey where he settled and was later appointed sheriff of Salem County by Governor Cornbury, December 9, 1703. Descendants of the six children of Captain Dare still live in the vicinity of Salem and Bridgeton, New Jersey, where dozens of "cousins" gather each year at the old Presbyterian Church, built in 1767, at "Daretown" (Pittsgrove), New Jersey for a family reunion. Priscilla Dare Broadwell was born in New Jersey, February 20, 1874. After her family moved to New York State, she remained in New Jersey, living with her oldest sister, Willamina, (Mrs. William Mulford) of Bridgeton. While living in Bridgeton, Priscilla attended the South Jersey Institute with her friend, Mabel Hancock, who later became the wife of Dr. Gilbert Dare. She was graduated from the Institute in 1892. After John and Priscilla were married, they went to live in the flat over the Broadwell Market in Morrisonville. All their children were born there. John Broadwell was a very jolly sort of person who was liked by everybody. There are endless tales about things he did when young, which everyone who ever knew him can remember. He enjoyed life immensely and was always going somewhere. As he liked baseball, theatricals, horse racing, concerts, and never missed a church supper or public event, he was known all over the county. He also sang (tenor) very well and was in every home-talent show. He was also a great supporter of civic activities and helped organize such events. His wife, Priscilla, is said to have been the prettiest girl any where around, but although she played the piano extremely well, she was of a more retiring nature and disliked to perform in public. She died in August, 1907, at the age of 31. John Broadwell died in 1930. They are both buried in the A. J. Broadwell lot in West Plattsburg Cemetery. The following are their children:
1A. Emerson Dewitt, b. August 26, 1901. He married Virginia Savage, a teacher of foreign languages, and a daughter of George Savage of Rochester, New York, on August 18, 1928. Emerson was graduated from Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, in 1925--the salutatorian of his class. In 1929, he joined the faculty of R. P. I. and has been teaching there ever since-a professor in the Electrical Engineering Department. Emerson is a great out-door man and spends most of his vacations camping, hunting and fishing. He lives in Troy, New York, and has two children-George J. and Mabel Dare Broadwell. (Emerson DeWitt died January 1971 in Troy, New York).
George Broadwell, b. January 11, 1930, married Doris McDaniel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McDaniel, in Lubbock, Texas, August 25, 1956. Doris is a home economics teacher. They met while working for their masters degrees in Washington, D.C. George is a graduate of Cornell, class of 1953. They live in Altamont, New York, where George is employed as 4-H Agent of Schnectady County. They have two children: Elizabeth Ellen, b. December 6, 1958, and Lawrence DeWitt, b. April 15, 1961. Mabel D. "Dare" b. January 11, 1931, married Major David Schumacher of Milwawkee, Wisconsin, in 1957. At present (1962) they are living near Fairbanks, Alaska. Dare is a graduate of R.P.I., having the distinction of being the first woman to be graduated from the institute with an engineering degree (Management Engineering). She has been a designer of machine tools and a teacher. David and Dare have two children: Darby, b. July 3, 1958, and Daniel b. March 7, 1962 in Fairbanks, Alaska. She and her second husband, Harry Wever, live in Willsboro, NY , where she has an antique shop.
2A. Andrew S., b. February 16, 1906, married Marjorie Stickney, b. May 8, 1912, daughter of Floyd Littlejohn and Margaret (Johnston) Stickney of Lake Placid, New York, on August 19, 1937. They were married in the Episcopal church in Cooperstown, NY. Both the Stickneys and Littlejohns were pioneer settlers in the Adirondack region of Essex and Franklin Counties. "Littlejohn Pond," near Loon Lake and "Stickney Bridge," near AuSable Forks, are named after these families. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stickney (she was Etta Belle Littlejohn), the parents of Floyd Stickney, built and operated. "The Pines," an early hotel in Lake Placid. It is now called the "St. Moritz." Albert Stickney's brother, Frank, was the first postmaster in Lake Placid. Andrew Broadwell is a graduate of Plattsburg Normal and Albany State Teachers College; Mrs. Broadwell is a graduate of Plattsburg Normal. They are both teachers, having taught in the old Cadyville and Saranac Central School system for many years. They now live in Rouses Point, New York and both teach in the Champlain Central School System; Mr. Broadwell in the business department of the high school, and Mrs. Broadwell in the elementary school. Andrew having always been interested in history, has spent 35 years gathering data which some day could be organized well enough to form a descriptive continuity of his family . Miss Cornelia Mead of West Plattsburg gave him a nucleus around which to work, and his research went on from there. Both "Marge" and "Andy" are interested in antiques and have remodeled an old house, built in the 1800's, where they now live. Mrs. Broadwell is especially interested in antique glass and has a fine collection of it. Andrew and Marjorie spent their 50th wedding anniversary in CVPH medical center Hospital. Andy had his left leg pinned as a result of a fracture. He was also receiving radiation treatments for a tumor in his head and one in his back. The tumor in his head was shrinking at the time of 8/24/87. Andrew died_________.
3A. Priscilla D., b July 5, 1907, married W. Kenneth Haight of Milford, Otsego County, New York, in July, 1935. He is the only son of Stewart and Grace (Weatherly) Haight of Milford. Mr. Haight was formerly in the family business of O.A. Weatherly & Company, Makers of Pineapple Cheese, which at one time was well- known to connoisseurs of fine cheese everywhere. They sold their business a few years ago and Mr. Haight is now manager of the Cooperstown Branch of S. S. Harrison and Company , which is very much like our Dock & Coal Company of Clinton County. Mr. Haight is a graduate of Hartwick College and Cornell. Mrs. Haight is a graduate of Plattsburg Normal. Mrs. Haight went to Milford to teach business subjects in high school, stopped teaching for several years, and recently went back to teaching again. She is also an accomplished pianist, having been graduated from the Schenectady Conservatory of Music. Both "Ken" and Priscilla are very civic minded and devote much of their time to public affairs of all kinds. They are also active in the Milford Methodist Church. They have one son, Richard, who was born December 22, 1945. He was graduated from high school in June 1962 and is at present spending the summer traveling in Europe. In 1963, he is planning to enter Syracuse University.
7. Mary E. "Mame," born July 29, 1872, d. February 16, 1958, never married. Most of her early life was spent in New England, mainly, in Waterbury, Connecticut, where she lived with her old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Shaw. In those days many girls from this area went to "Down East" to work in the mills. As Mame was a good writer, she and her friend, Bertha McAllister, sister of Archie, did what would be secretarial work. They worked in the office of a silk mill where the letters and envelopes were handwritten, instead of typewritten. In 1905, she came home to help with the care of her father and mother who were growing old. In 1907, Mrs. John Broadwell died, and Mame took one of the babies, Andrew, to care for in her father's home. She was vivacious, untiring person with enough energy for two or three people. She was an excellent cook, an interesting conversationalist, and had a dramatic way of telling the most trivial incident, so that it seemed important. She read a great deal and was also interested in music. She had a clear alto voice and sang very well. In later life, she moved to Plattsburg and opened a boarding house which in a short time became known as the best in town. She did a great deal to help others, especially young people working their way through school. She provided a good home and meals for six different college students, including her nephew, Andrew, who were finding it extremely difficult to go to school with what financial means they had. She died, February 16, 1958 and is buried in her father's lot in the West Plattsburg Cemetery.
8. Eugenia, "Gene" b. November 30, 1876, died September 4, 1959, married (as his second wife) Milton A. Hammond of Ellenburg Depot, New York. He died in 1922, one of the last surviving members of the G. A. R. in Clinton County. The Hammonds were early settlers on Mason Street and lived on the farm next (south) to that of David Broadwell. When Milton Hammond was young, in the days preceding the Civil War he was a frequent visitor at the home of David and Susan Broadwell, and it is from his tales of this period that many anecdotes for this history were obtained. When they were first married, Gene and Milton lived in Ellenburg Depot, in a house that he built on his farm, located directly west of the station. He sold the farm to one of the Cheesmans and, in 1918, they bought the old Weston place in Morrisonville and soon moved in. They were very hospitable people and had a great deal of company. For several years, while attending the Morrisonville High school, Emerson and Andrew Broadwell made their home with them. Gene Hammond was, when young, "on the go" most of the time. She knew just about everybody in Clinton County and enjoyed their company. She was extremely nervous, high-strung type of person, but likable all the same. She had a natural musical talent which enabled her to play or sing anything she ever heard. No one could ever "beat" her in playing the organ, especially such numbers as "Georgia Camp Meeting," "Redwing," "Golden Slippers" and other "minstrel" type songs. All the best musicians who ever heard her play, thought she was really talented. After her husband's death, she had a difficult life for many years, but she always had time for humor. She was overly generous and would give her last dime to anyone whom she thought needed it more than she did. Both Milton and Eugenia Hammond are buried in the Alanson Hammond lot in the West Plattsburg Cemetery.
9-10. Two children, Charles and Orin, died in infancy.
This concludes the family history of the Broadwells who came to Clinton County as early settlers, and their descendants many whom no longer live here. It is hoped that someone of them will carry on this history of posterity.
Acknowledgments for original documents, letters, anecdotes and miscellaneous information:
Miss. Corneli A. Mead, West Plattsburg, New York
Mr. Milton Broadwell, Morrisonville, New York
Mrs. Julia Smith Vaughn, Morrisonville, New York
Mrs. Raymond Vaughn, Portsmouth Anthenaeum, Portsmouth, N. H.
Miss Dorthy Mansfield Vaughn, Public Library, Portsmouth, N. H.
Mrs. Lula Jarvis Crittenden, Rutland, Vermont
Miss. Mary E. Broadwell, Plattsburg, New York
Mr. Milton A. Hammond, Morrisonville, New York
Mrs. William A. Rogers, Bethesda, Maryland
Mr. Earl Ostrander, Baltimore, Maryland
Mrs. Charlotte Broadwell Bandel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Mr. and Mrs. John Ketchum Wever, Morrisonville, New York
Miss Caroline L. Pierce, Morrisonville, New York
Dr. Gilbert DeWitt Dare, Plattsburg, New York
Mrs. Adelia Dare Banker, Phoenix, Arizona
Mrs. Orin Thomas, Sr., Rutland, Vermont
Mrs. Eugenia Broadwell Hammond, Morrisonville, New York
Mr. Ernest Ostrander, Plattsburg, New York
Miss. Emily McMasters, Plattsburg, New York
Mrs. Maude Sanger Hanley, West Plattsburg, New York
Miss. Bessie Clay, West Plattsburg, New York
Mrs. Margaret S. Weaver, Morrisonville, New York
Mrs. Blanche Wever Hillegas, Morrisonville, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Crosby M. Broadwell, Morrisonville, New York
Miss. Kathrine and Mr. LeRoy Pierce, Morrisonville, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dare Cauffman, Rochester, New York
Mrs. Warden Wells, Middlebury, Vermont
Mr. Harry B. Wever, Willsboro, New York
Mr. Woodbury McClellan, Champlain, New York
Mrs. Clifford Hayes, Plattsburg, New York
Mr. Harland R. Horton, Fort Covington, New York
Mrs. Richard W. Campbell, Keeseville, New York
Mrs. Bessie Scribner Arnold, Peru, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beckwith, Peru, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Medric Light, Morrisonville, New York
Mrs. Homer Ladd, Plattsburg, New York
Mr. A. F. Hayward, Essex, New York
Mrs. Neal Campbell, Omaha, Nebraska
BIBLOGRAPHY Barber and Howe, Historical Collections of New Jersey, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1868
Biographical Review Associates, Biographical Review of Clinton and Essex Counties, New York, Biographical Review Publishing Company, Boston, 1896
Fisher, Sydney G., The Chronicles of America, Volume VIII, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1921
Hatfield, E. F., History of Elizabeth, New Jersey, Carlton & Lanahan, New York, 1868
Hurd, Duane Hamilton, History of Clinton and Franklin Counties, New York, J. W. Lewis and Company, Philadelphia, 1880
Littel, John, Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Passaic Valley, Stationers' Hall Press, Feltville, New Jersey, 1851
Mulford, William C. History of Cumberland County, New Jersey, Evening News Company, Bridgeton, 1941
Nettels, Curtis P., The Roots of American Civilization, F. S. Crofts & Company, New York, 1939
Sherman, Andrew M., Historic Morristown, New Jersey, Howard Publishing Company, Morristown, 1905
Smith, H. P., History of Essex County, New York, D. Mason & Company, Syracuse, 1885
Tuttle, (Mrs.) George Fuller, Three Centuries in the Champlain Valley, Brandow Printing Company, Albany, 1909
Vande Water, Frederic F., History of Lake Champlain and Lake George, Bobbs, Merrill, New York, 1946
The New England Genealogical Society, The Morse Family, Boston, Massachusetts The New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, New Jersey
War records of men in the war of 1776 and 1812, Adjutant General's Office, Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.
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